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LOL Veggie.  I knew someone would ask this.      Why does anyone watch anything that  they don't like much anymore and then moan about it?  LOL. (and plenty do it.)  I don't know really.  But it seems to be (usually) because its a programme they once enjoyed and still perhaps like to watch now and again...and they hope it may improve again.  Or maybe its a habit.  Sounds daft to some maybe, but thats the only theory I can come up with.  I mean there are some programmes I have tried to watch that I found shyte from the start (like 'outnumbered' which I thought was utter pants,) and after the first 2 or 3 episodes I didnt watch it again - ever.  But if its something I have watched for a number of years; even though its shyte now sometimes, I still tend to watch it.

I think it's because I have watched it for years, and have enjoyed it for the most part, but as the months have gone on, I am slowly going off it.  But still watch it out of habit (when I'm in) and because sometimes it is OK.  Its not as good as it was though, but maye I live in hope that it will go back to being as good as it was.  Some days I enjoy it (a bit) but I used to video it when I was at work and now I never do, as I arent bothered about missing it.
I know exactly what you mean Sparkles but not so much with tv as I really only tend to watch something I like - and there isn't much of that on.
But I listened to Capital Radio for years and years, I absolutely loved it; the songs, the DJs, the gigs they did etc. Then the playlists starting getting more and more dance/r & b based but I stuck with it. Then the DJ's I liked starting leaving and in the end I just stopped listening.
I think with a lot of things we just outgrow them.

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