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There is the saying Chick !
'There's nowt so queer as folk' - We all have our odd ways, it's what helps to make us individuals! 
None of us run on rails & most of us have thought we have wasted/regretted times in our lives.
(I know I have) but there are also the times where we feel acheivement & fulfilment.
You will experience all these things and many many more!
Hope tomorrow brings you an even better day
I don't know why anyone with bad life problems would trust a trained psychological counsellor [ who is employed to deal with students, and is trained for your problems alone ] less than an anonymous  forum. All you get is random sympathy here, no questions. Oh and attention.

We've lost the plot in this digital age. General exhibitionism... to an open forum... 90% of whom you don't know, and have no connection with... is a better option apparently than proper targetted help.
don't know why anyone with bad life problems would trust a trained psychological counsellor [ who is employed to deal with students, and is trained for your problems alone ] less than an anonymous  forum. All you get is random sympathy here, no questions. Oh and attention. We've lost the plot in this digital age. General exhibitionism... to an open forum... 90% of whom you don't know, and have no connection with... is a better option apparently than proper targetted help.
Rosie, several people have already pointed out that Chicken /Prawn IS seeing the student counsellor. 
Sometimes it's easier to talk to "faceless" people about issues. 
I don't see Chicken/Prawn making an exhibition of himself here..
All problems aside....why shouldn't you go home see you're parents at weekends? It's a sort of stereotype that as a student you should go out and get pished. That's great if all students were the same but they're not. To me college and Uni is where peer pressure ends. It's not school. It's a chance for you to be yourself and if you and your doctor says it'll be good for you to go home at weekends then stop worrying about everyone else. Of course their noses are gonna be put out but if we all did everything to please everyone else we'd never have time to sit back and find out who we are. You sound like you need to do that. 
All problems aside....why shouldn't you go home see you're parents at weekends? It's a sort of stereotype that as a student you should go out and get pished. That's great if all students were the same but they're not. To me college and Uni is where peer pressure ends. It's not school. It's a chance for you to be yourself and if you and your doctor says it'll be good for you to go home at weekends then stop worrying about everyone else. Of course their noses are gonna be put out but if we all did everything to please everyone else we'd never have time to sit back and find out who we are. You sound like you need to do that.

Completely agree
Sadly there is still peer pressure at uni - look at these stupid initiation ceremonies that freshers have to go through.
I think peer pressure is something that really never leaves us..
Hi Chicken 
I know how you feel and where you are coming from, I've been having some counselling for the last few months and one of my biggest mountains to climb is to try and stop being the person I think everyone else wants me to be. It's very hard to stop your thinking patterns to do that, but what we need to learn to do is to be happy in our own skin, to be ourselves, and to realise that most people will accept you for you and those who don't .. well ... the world isn't going to end because of their opinion. 

If you are happy and enjoy going home at weekends, then you carry on doing that. It's what YOU want and what YOU enjoy that's the most important part ... not what others may or may not think about you doing it.

You carry on doing what makes you feel right Chicken, and as my counsellor is always telling me ... be kind to yourself. Which means don't beat yourself up because a few friends think what you are doing is wrong according to them ... congratulate yourself in doing what you want to do and go home every weekend and enjoy it 

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