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Is this a rude thread? 
Dislike salt with a passion....many a meal out has been spoiled for me by excessive saltiness. But then I end up with a salt deficiency and get a craving, so have to sort it with one of the few things I find just about palatable: salted crisps, nuts or kracka wheat biscuits..and then have a pudding
I shouldn't have played that "Two Margarines" song.... 

after he had finished laughing and empathising..   MrD turned & with a cats arse mouth hissed "Its not just two margarines is it though"

And so the milk debate kicked off again (I like to use the freshest milk on my cereal... the older milk can get used in his coffee!   its not a two margarines situation)
Slinki, missed you there!  This one contains a slightly blue lyric, but it's a fun it.

I'm up and down like a bride's nightie*
I'm up and down know why-ee
I'm happy
And then
I'm blue

Ditty:  the margarine is proverbial.  By playing this to Mr D you have just introduced philosophy and obsessional suburban reason into the argument.  I'm with him on the milk thing. 

*a phrase I still crowbar into casual conversation to this day

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