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Pretty much anyone who has a thought or opinion is in danger here.

My opinion is kids who are ill should NOT go into school and pass on their crap to other kids who are getting over pleurisy which then get passed on to mothers who have a pissed off disposition! I could strangle the little git

Oh. And the whole world is wrong. And I am right. About everything. Even the things I know frig all about. End OV. And Paul Weller's new wife reeks of shite. Cos I should have been his bride. End OV (again).

Arrggh. Syonara. *horizontal*
I think the written word is far worse for misunderstandings and causing offence. When you're talking with someone you can hear the tone of their voice and see their face so can get a better idea of whether they are deliberately causing offence or not

I agree Veggie. I have a tendency to over-use smilies, to compensate for the lack of facial expressions and body language.

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