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I first worked with computers in 1978. It was a Honeywell mainframe and I was a programmer. The programs were punched on cards in those days, and disc drives were external and looked like top-loading washing machines.

The first home computer I had was an Amiga. Can't remember exactly when, but it was probably the late 80s. Didn't get my first home PC till 1999, though.
aww...   and now I fondly remembering all the old word processing programs..  

Wang, Multimate, Wordstar, Wordperfect (my father in law still uses wordperfect & refuses to move over to Word )....   

One of the places I worked at didn't see the point in buying one of these new fangled personal computers..     but I was fed up typing sales quotes on a bleedin typewriter... with carbon copies!!!

So the manager bought me an Amstrad PCW...  a computer that only does word processing!  hahahaha!
Oh, I just remembered that my Amiga was an Amiga 500.

We had one of those With a super noisy dot matrix printer  
I bought my first PC second hand from radio rentals in 1995 I got the tinterweb in 1998 and haven't been off it since
I Got my first one from Granada in 94 as one of them rent to buy ones. Had window 3.11 on it and a TV card in it. Traded it in after a year for a compaq which I ran till 2008 with a few modifications along the way. Got tinternet in 2007.
Ensign Muf
We got one for Christmas in 1984, an Acorn Electron, complete with noisy tape player to load programmes on to it.


My Dad got an Acorn Electron, I remember playing Chuckie Egg on it, and a game called Twin Kingdom Valley which was a text adventure game. If you got killed, you had to load the game again from the tape player for about 20 mins! If a troll appeared onscreen with a club, I knew I had to get the tape out to reload

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