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A lefty alternative comedy luvie taking the coin of a company that's off-shored British jobs by the thousand. 

Aside from that aside, life insurance, like any other insurance is a gamble that you may or may not be able to afford given your circumstances and given the needs of your dependants - if you have any.  Life Insurance won't bring anyone back.

A while back I had a bank consultation where Critical Illness insurance was pitched to me.  My real enquiry was for redundancy insurance - which they didn't offer - although they implied they did as a sweetener to get me into the consultation.  The premiums were ÂĢ80per month until death. Suffice to say, I'm unemployed now and I don't have a critical illness!  Pretty much what I expected.

Critical illness isn't covered in life insurance unless they are packaged, so you could survive for many years and still see everything go on medical bills and other expenses.
A lefty alternative comedy luvie taking the coin of a company that's off-shored British jobs by the thousand.  Aside from that aside, life insurance, like any other insurance is a gamble that you may or may not be able to afford given your circumstances and given the needs of your dependants - if you have any. A while back I had a bank consultation where Critical Illness insurance was pitched to me.  My real enquiry was for redundancy insurance - which they didn't offer - although they implied they did as a sweetener to get me into the consultation.  The premiums were ÂĢ80per month until death. Suffice to say, I'm unemployed now and I don't have a critical illness!  Pretty much what I expected. Critical illness isn't covered in life insurance unless they are packaged, so you could survive for many years and still see everything go on medical bills and other expenses.

Hi Carnelian

I have just taken out critical illness cover but that is because I have got an enormous mortgage on my own
It does not cover redundancy either which scares the heck out of me,
Hi Issy,

Good luck with the mortgage!

I guess redundancy insurance is hard to find.  Who'd offer it under this government?  And how high would the premiums be?

I'm told that some mortgage packages come with redundancy insurance attached but I guess it's in the banks' interest that you pay an extra premium to partially safeguard their income stream!   They don't like selling it as stand alone product - can't guess why!

That said, it was the only insurance I was really interested in as at the time, I was looking to buy a home but have no dependants.  I think those concerns (especially CI insurance) really only kick in once you have a property and need to safeguard your welfare a bit more seriously.
A lot of insurance is a con. The ones that make me blow my top are the ones where you get cold called and they are offering you insurance that only pays out if you die from female cancer. They are the biggest con ever and I tend to go into rant mode with the hapless soul who phoned.
For a start it only pays out if you die from a female specific cancer ie uterine or ovarian cancer. I'm not even sure that breast cancer is covered now as I have read reports that increasing numbers of men are getting it!! Something to do with excess oestrogen in the water supply they think. So it means that they don't cover lung, bowel or any of the other common cancers which are not gender specific.
Then of course they don't pay out if you die from heart disease or any other common condition. They just trade on peoples fears and exploit them to get rich - bar stewards
Sorry rant over Issy. As to the ads, I quite enjoy some ads while despising the product or the company offering them. I get Carnelians point too about lefty comedians taking the tainted shilling of the multinationals - makes me roll my eyes too
Have to admit that I am not massively fond of insurance companies, and in my personal experience and that of many people I know, they will pull ANYthing that they can out of their backside to avoid paying.  I have got many a tale (of my own and of colleagues/neighbours/extended family/neighbours and so on,) about problems with insurance companies, but it would take all day to put all the stories. 

Suffice to say I (and many folk I know,) have been stung VERY badly by many types of insurance; and now we only have the ones that we feel are absolutely utterly necessary: and we now only have three sets of insurance.  Some 10 years back plus, we had about 10, as we were sweet-talked into loads of different ones, but not anymore.  You live and learn.

I quite like the aviva ads though...

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