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Reference: Ditty
Blizzie...  I know how it feels like that at times...   but bringing up kids does not count as having done nothing with your life...    its a bloody hard job...   with crap wages, and bugger all recognition.     Don't undervalue your contribution....   bringing up kids to be assets to society is a contribution in itself.  And...  then there is the whole "behind every sucessful man..." thing.    I know that when I was a single mum with a full time career job...   I desperately needed a wife!!   In fact, juggling home & work was almost impossible without one.

Aww, I know, I know! 

However, and I'm really not saying this in a negative way  , I'm pretty crap at being a 'wife and muvver' too! Sitting on the forum all day doesn't really count, does it?! 

Anyway, I have a happy marriage and the kids are dragging themselves up quite nicely, so that's the positive side! 
Reference: Karma
That's actually a bliddy good achievement!
 Or, I've just been very lucky!

Seriously, I do count my lucky stars, but, as I get older I just feel a bit panicky about doing eff all for so many years! I know it doesn't matter, in the grand scheme of things, so I push it to the back of my mind, mostly. I just don't want my kids to end up feeling the same, I suppose, and hope they have more drive and ambition. Having said all that, happiness is what I wish for them, the most. 
Blizz, forgive my interrupting but I don't accept that its down solely to good luck.  You've a brilliant attitude and outlook on things, going on posting with you in the last 4 years.  If that's the way you are in your real life, then managing to bring yr kids up correctly, is an achievement you can be proud of.

If it helps I think everyone gets to a point where they wonder have they really made the most of things and pushed themselves as much as they could've.  But you do what you do at the time and looking back you don't see the reasons behind the decisions you made so clearly.  It's natural for a parent to want more for their children, but always be proud of what you've done four your family and your kids.
I'm usually quite positive but also cautious.  I think my life is pretty mediocre because I won't let myself just go for it causing things to become unbalanced.  I'd like to be less cautious but I know I can't cope with stress coz I lead a relatively stress free life.  So I just stay down the middle and hope nothing serious rocks the boat.  Bit boring but meh.
Reference:  Blizzie
I just feel a bit panicky about doing eff all for so many years! I know it doesn't matter, in the grand scheme of things, so I push it to the back of my mind, mostly.
Yeah...  I absolutely know that feeling...  I am the same.

I just keep reminding myself that this phase of my life is just that... a phase.   I might feel like "this is it" at the moment...   but soon the kids will be grown up and the next phase will begin.  

Also..   that this phase is an important one... and one that I'd hate to look back on with regret, if the kids had ended up down & out, and I realised that it might not have been that way had I prioritised them more at the time.

These are the thoughts I use to make the panicky thoughts shut up!
Temps, you are too kind (seriously, too kind  

I am proud of my kids and so grateful that I've been dealt a lucky hand, and I know that part of that is how I've dealt with things. It sounds like I'm putting myself down, but I am happy with myself, honest!  I think I was just brought up to never expect praise and I find it hard to accept compliments and to give them. I know that you can over do the praise, with kids, but I have to remind myself not to go the other way with them. 

Anyway, enough about me! 

How are you doing? 
Reference: Ditty
I just keep reminding myself that this phase of my life is just that... a phase.   I might feel like "this is it" at the moment...   but soon the kids will be grown up and the next phase will begin.
Yeah, but you've had a career, at least! 

I've been at home for 21 years now and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up!  

p.s. talking about being a crap 'wife and muvva', I just started cooking a cottage pie and Mr Blizz came into the kitchen and offered to take over! Not sure if he's being kind, or just worried about the results! 
Yeah, but you've had a career, at least!

Kind of...   I'd made it to the job below the level of job I wanted...     

and... I too can't decide what I want to do when I grow up....    I just know an awful lot of things I don't want to do!

and...  Mr Ditty is cooking for us tonight too!    He wanted homemade chips...    my chips come from a bag in the freezer!
I'm mostly cheerful
referece karma

I am though...I rarely lose my temper and when I do its over in about 5 minutes or less...stuff irritates me but if i have a moaning then I feel better but as i said I've never been depressed in my life...and when the stuff I expect to go wrong does then normally i end up laughing cos it is funny now cos its happened so often.
Blizzie, just to offer another hopinion on your earlier points... I sometimes feel like I haven't done anything cos I haven't got the house/husband/kids set up even though I wanted to go to uni, and did, and now have a good job that I like I often think my parents would have preferred me to get married and produce some grand children
I'd say 99% positive. 

I'm always telling myself that theirs always someone worse off, it's not the end of the world, if it's something I can't fix then I shouldn't worry etc. I don't involve myself in other peoples problems either which helps. 

One thing that always gives me a good kick up the ass when I'm being negative is seeing those ads for animal charities, 3rd world country chariites and anything to do with kids being abused. Compared to all that I have nothing to moan about

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