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Attacks on anyone is horrendous.  My son was attacked several years ago while walking to the bus stop by a gang of yobs.  They were white, he is white, but at that time had hair halfway down his back.  He was different than they were and he ended up with two black eyes and a swollen face.  The only reason they stopped was because a man walking by shouted at them.

Every day we hear about hate crimes.  People being attacked because of the colour of their skin or their sexuality.  The most disturbing thing, for me, is that the perpertrators of these attacks are young people.  I just can't understand why, in this day and age, these young people who are supposedly "taught" to respect differences are targeting people who are different.
Really Velvet?

I am amazed that Suzi's post is pulled up as uncalled for...   and yet I sat here last night and watched as not one person commented on the post Cologne made...  

I don't think anything has shocked me on here as much as nobody batting any eyelid when something like that is posted...   irrespective of who it was posted at.

Maybe its time I had a break from here too....    I think I've had a gut full of this place this weekend
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