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What really pisses me off is that these people have the gall to hide behind calling themselves Christian. I bet Jesus would have cast them out with the moneylenders and the rest of the hypocrites.

I'm not that au fais with the biblical stuff (and I can sense my Catholic descendants are spinning in their graves at that), but when Mary and Joesph were looking for rooms at the inn to have the sprog, did the Bible state that there was no room anywhere because all of the guests had gone through rigorous testing to: A) Prove they were married?  B) Prove they were not homosexual, bi-sexual nor had any tendencies or past experiences?

Could it be suggested that Joseph and Mary were, in fact, declined a room because she claimed to be a virgin carrying a fertilised egg in the womb, therefore breaking her wedding vows? (no matter what she wants to say about her alleged unbroken hymen, I ain't buyin it)

I might write to these people (not the Bible people, the hotel people) and fire off something as ridiculous as the shite I just wrote just for the hell of it.
pirate, the bigoted couple should advertise their "beliefs" of who they are willing to accept into their sacred hotel. That would avoid inconvenience for all concerned.

Thick question - could they do that?

If they tried to fit it under the guise of a 'niche market' (much as it's a bigotted and ugly niche) would they get away with it?  Would they have got away with it if it had been a specific religion, say?

I'm only asking as I'd love to book, turn up and then say "oh, I'm sorry I'm a totally opposite religion and couldn't possibly give you my business as I find your lifestyle offensive.
Reference: Cosmo
Thick question - could they do that? If they tried to fit it under the guise of a 'niche market' (much as it's a bigotted and ugly niche) would they get away with it?  Would they have got away with it if it had been a specific religion, say? I'm only asking as I'd love to book, turn up and then say "oh, I'm sorry I'm a totally opposite religion and couldn't possibly give you my business as I find your lifestyle offensive. 
That would be a hoot!  

I asked that question myself Cosmo.

I thought, if they only accept a "certain clientele" they can`t advertise through the tourist board obviously    but there`s legal ways that they can privately promote their hotel and their beliefs...internet etc.  

"Married Hetrosexual Christians on a Sunday only " 

" Marriage certificates must be shown - no photocopies allowed " -  type thing  
Last edited by Scotty
The Smeg Heads did have a note on their website, saying that -

"Here at Chymorvah we have few rules, but please note that as Christians we have a deep regard for marriage(being the union of one man to one woman for life to the exclusion of all others).
Therefore, although we extend to all a warm welcome to our home, our double bedded accommodation is not available to unmarried couples - Thank you." Video, ITN News

It seems to have been taken off the website, now.
 The Smeg Heads did have a note on their website, saying that - "Here at Chymorvah we have few rules, but please note that as Christians we have a deep regard for marriage(being the union of one man to one woman for life to the exclusion of all others). Therefore, although we extend to all a warm welcome to our home, our double bedded accommodation is not available to unmarried couples - Thank you."

It seems to have been taken off the website, now.

Blizzie that comment is still on their website on the booking form page.

Doubt they requested to see a marriage certificate for hetro couples though.
Smarting Buttocks
I'm glad the myth of entrappment has been exposed as just that. I agree with dame, if they can't bring themselves to have gay and unmarried couples to stay, they are in the wrong business. They are entitled to their religious beliefs, but when these coincide with bigotted views, they have to ask themselves some very probing questions.

Couldn't agree more Cologne,
Their beliefs are all very well but 'their home' stops being 'their home' when they allow it to be the premises of their business.  They don't have allow gay couples into the portion of their home that is their home but the portion they use for 'their business' (and any other amenities normally provided to support their business) should be accessible.  If they weren't running their home as a business then it would be fine.
This story really annoys me - personally I couldn't care less about a persons sexuality - each to their own as far as I am concerned however I do believe people should have right to say who does/doesn't stay in their home/hotel.  Whilst the majority of people disgree with the hotel owners they are entitled to their beliefs and they should be able to choose who can/cn't stay.  At the end of the day imo you react with your feet in such a situation and walk out - maybe even making sure your story is well publicised but I don't believe legal action is the right path in these situations.

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