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A Cat

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A cat has been called up for jury duty in Boston, Massachusetts.

The Daily Mail reports that tabby cat Sal has been asked to report to Suffolk Superior Court.

Sal's owners applied for disqualification on the grounds that their cat cannot speak or understand English. They included a letter from their vet with the application.

Anna Esposito said: "When they ask him guilty or not guilty? What's he supposed to say - miaow?

"Sal is a member of the family so I listed him on the last census form under pets, but there has clearly been a mix-up."

Her husband Guy added: "He likes to sit on my knee and watch crime shows with me, but even so he's still under-qualified for jury duty if you ask me."

The couple's request was denied and if the matter is not resolved, Sal may have to attend court on March 23.

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