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I'll be watching this tonight.
Advance reports are good.
It will be a pleasure to see Ruth Jones.
I used to think she was brilliant in Nighty Night.
This is a side to her acting skills which will be new to most viewers, but as mentioned earlier Robin, a son of Hattie Jacques and John Le Mesurier, has said that her performance is admirable.

It's also going to be interesting to see Aidan Turner as the young lover.

Well, I watched it.
I thought it was very good indeed.
What a very strange story.
Truly strange relationships.
Not sure how to describe it.
Hattie and John (Le Mesurier) were extraordinarily courteous to each other.
They communicated so politely.  Yet somehow the sort of emotions we would expect did not seem to be present. Or did I read it wrongly?

An extraordinary relationship!

I met John Le Mesurier in Judi Dench's dressing room in 1968.
At the time I had no idea of what had happened in his private life.
I lived through that period, watched both of them on television and in film, and yet was not aware of these happenings.

I may comment again later. I am still digesting this rather odd story.
Reference: Garage Joe
"calculated vagueness"
That is a great description.

I've been reflecting on this again today.
I thought it was very good.
It is the facts of the story which amazed me.
Excellent performances all round I thought. Even Eamonn Andrews was given accurate inflections by Lewis MacLeod.
All the leads were good, but I thought Robert Bathurst was exceptionally good as
John Le Mesurier.
couldn't help feeling what a drip John Le Mesurier was

Yeah, Iknow what you mean, Pengy - but at the same time I thought it was more a case of him being sooooooooooo laid back and open minded too. I want to describe him as rakish but that's not the right word.  Permissive, maybe but with a sense of commitment...?
Bohemian but with middle class trappings, style and appearance?

'Calculated vagueness' is a good description as I don't think he came across as distant or uninvolved.

I dunno!  It's driving me to distraction trying to find the right words

Anyhooo.... I thought Robert Bathurst played him just right;  nicely understated.
Ruth was good too; good casting to have Marcia Warren play quirky Esma Cannon (who obviously wasn't as scatty as she's portrayed in films).

Not sure what I thought about the production - a bit dark perhaps?  But as the script mainly dwelt on Hatttie's disasterous relationship with Schofield I suppose other aspects of her life were shown purely to 'set the scene' so to speak.

I've seen a programme on Hancock which detailed some of the Joan/John/Tony merry-go-round but again, it was more aimed towards Hancock....Joan and John Le Mes were played as minor roles.

I *think* I enjoyed it but I'm not sure it sated my expectations.
couldn't help feeling what a drip John Le Mesurier was

Really ? ...... I felt so sorry for the poor sod. I could have strangled John Schofield  when he had John Le Mesurier's belongings shifted up to the spare room whilst he was romping downstairs with Hattie what a bastard!!! ..... but she payed the price eventually .... He buggered off with someone else  ... leopard / spots,  & all that

 I remember as a very young girl watching Sykes. I never really knew anything about Hattie's personal life. What an eye opener! ....... Anyway, great bit of TV for a change ..... I really enjoyed it ..... Very well played by Ruth Jones, I thought

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