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My friend has a 7 month-old one. She is lovely. 2 x 1 hour walks per day morning and evening - boundless energy. She only feeds it dry dog food (pellet thingies) - I don't know why but there isn't that smell of dog meat in the house cos of it. The bowl usually has something in it all day - the dog doesn't scoff the lot straight away. My friend has installed a baby gate between the kitchen and the lounge so that the dog can be corralled if necessary. She is very boisterous, requires constant diversion, has lots of toys. Chews the skirting boards, has destroyed the garden, isn't allowed upstairs or on the sofa although she is allowed onto humans if they are sat on the sofa. She is great around other dogs and assumes every other dog, cat and human loves her. Here she is a few months ago...
 I quite like the idea of dried food. 

and... Sounds the same as Marley Bunny in most of those respects!

The pictures are fab. Beautiful dog.
Ev (Peachy)
Well I've got two house rabbits ( my nieces actually)She's moved into a flat now with her fiance.I've aquired the bunnies! Rio is nearly seven and Cleo is nearly four.Now they really are pretty untamable creatures.Yes you can clicker train them if you have a big outdoor run etc,however we have urban foxes and two legged vermin  who would harm outdoor bunnies.
They are the most expressionless animals ever and nearly silent apart from the odd grunt if annoyed! Part of their defence as a prey species, their face never changes expression,you might get an odd ear lift here and there.
One reason you have to be vigilant in watching them closely to spy any illmess signs etc,they really are not an easy pet to keep ,especially for young kids etc and alas many buns die young due to neglect and ignorance,however unintentional.They also have a very comlpicated gut system and can go into "Gut statis" life threatening in less than 24 hours.So any one out there thinking  of rabbits as pets for kids etc do some good research.Rio been at the vet once .Cleo been about half a dozen times ,vet costs for her so far Nearly ÂĢ300  Cost of bunnies ÂĢ20 quid each.

I'm preaching again...ain't I...bottle of Zinfandel....hic!
aww such a shame Eve,sometimes no matter the care we give they can have problems etc.Young kids don't know how to look after buns properly,their parents probably think chuck it in a hutch and feed it  water it, job done.Alas they need interaction and grooming and cuddles(if they let you!) Mine are house buns but they do not like being handled ,picked up at all,.Cleo will tolerate it.I wrap her in a towel to pick her up and wash her arse when needed,she is a bit of a lardy bunny.  Rio will buck and kick if I need to capture him in a towel.

However they are both mini lop buns ,which means their ears are mini lop.they ain't!
Cleo is over three kilos,and rio is nearly four.You have trim their claws if they are house buns and not wearing them out as outdoor buns.,Front paws are usually ok to trim,however they have ticklish back feet and will buck and kick .Two person job,big bath towel and flip them over onto their back,trim their paws,job done.!
Eve, if you are going to be looking after the pup for a while, it might be worth buying Cesar Millan's book, How to raise the perfect dog: Through puppyhood and beyond ( ÂĢ4.99).
Labrador puppies are usually very boisterous, so it's important they have at least two walks a day, or they tend to use their excess energy for naughty stuff - like chewing.
Don't let it drag you around on the walk, the pup should walk beside you - otherwise they think they are in charge.
In the house, make sure everyone is sticking to the same rules, or the pup will become confused.
If the pup bites or nips you, a loud NO or yelping sound usually does the trick. Dogs are sensitive to your mood, so they do know when you are not pleased with them. Give lots of praise when they do something well.
Labrador pups are absolutely gorgeous with lovely natures, so I am more than a little bit jealous of you. Good luck with the puppy training.
I think a good idea is to write some of this good advice down so they can refer to it as well. I know a lot of it is common sense, but i think it is important for them all to stick to these rules, as you and Katty have mentioned, Yogi. 
Right, off to it!

That's me away for first walking session.       Will let you know how i get on, maybe get a photo up at some point.

Ev (Peachy)
I let Hamish on my sofa it is leather  I put a little blanket on it for him to lie on, when I am sat on the sofa with my laptop he sits next to me he also does not shed any hair, he has the run of my is his house too,I find it very theraputic when he is sat next to me and I am stroking him,the only advice I would say to you Evelyn is not to let him off the lead in the park or anywhere outside until he is older/trained as he might run away, hope you enjoyed your walk


This is Marley over Christmas. 

At Nearly 5 months old  (Christmas)    V

I have loved today!
Spent a bit of time with her at her home. Very excited and full of energy and fun as these dogs are as a rule. I was very surprised how obedient she is out on the lead.

I didn't take her off the lead. She does however tend to jump up and a lot with her mouth open, full of play, so ive been firm and trying to show her that is not acceptable.  lol

I can only say i hope to see more improvement on that as time goes on. 

She is sitting on command only a handful of times, again, i think the more you do this the more she will sit to command.
It was just one long day of fun for her. (I'm shattered) On the walk back home, she stayed by my side without jumping up !!  yayy!!
Ev (Peachy)
Last edited by Ev (Peachy)
What a lovely lab. I had a lab, they are very boisterous for also very quick to learn. No should be said firmly and meant. Good behaviour should always be rewarded with a little treat. Love her lots and enjoy her. I only had my lab for 2 years before he died of brain cancer. He never had a chance to get out the puppy stage but he was so much fun and I loved him lots.
I only had my lab for 2 years before he died of brain cancer. He never had a chance to get out the puppy stage but he was so much fun and I loved him lots
Yeah... I know how that feels.   We lost a pup to cancer at just 10 months old.   Like Yogi says, we take comfort from the fact that he came to us and we gave him the best life possible in those few short months.   It breaks your heart though..  
 I spent most Sunday evening looking at dogs to adopt, I think I might give into his nibbs begging for a dog soon. I'm liking the downstairs and no sofa rules.  Mmm  

Yes a lot of hard work when you have them all the time, but very rewarding if you stick to the rules you want. Can't wait to see if you decide to adopt a dog, and the piccies 

I let Hamish on my sofa it is leather  I put a little blanket on it for him to lie on, when I am sat on the sofa with my laptop he sits next to me he also does not shed any hair, he has the run of my is his house too,I find it very theraputic when he is sat next to me and I am stroking him,the only advice I would say to you Evelyn is not to let him off the lead in the park or anywhere outside until he is older/trained as he might run away, hope you enjoyed your walk

I really did enjoy it, very frosty this morning, but the sun was out, and later on it became very pleasant.  I have a great picture of the cats scrutinising the situation from the stairs, I'm just going to upload it. 
A few dogs came bounding towards us on our walk .. You should have seen my face..the owners shouting.. "they are friendly", they were huge, but she rolled around and played great.
I decided to contain myself and pretend i wasn't nervous. 
Ev (Peachy)
Awww... she is lovely.

Re: the open mouth thing...   its a tough one cos puppys want to use their mouths to explore things... including your hand.    My dog used to "mouth" on my hand... and it didn't bother me too much (though puppy teeth are bloody sharp)...  I had to stop him doing it...  cos then he would chase the kids feet around and nip at them...   my son ended up sitting on the stairs too scared to come down!

It all worked out in the end though...   they get the message very quickly.
Evelyn sorry I got it wrong I referred to your lab as a he .. she is gorgeous I am glad you enjoyed your walk, I always ask  the owners of a dog who is walking towards me if there dog is friendly a few say no which means I dont stop, Hamish is very friendly and loves other dogs so in turn I always say to other dog owners he is friendly it is best to be safe,I love the photos of your cats they are so sweet, their little faces looks so wary and funny sat on the stairs lol happy walking

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