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I Really doubt most of would  like to live forever..etc..

I would. Think of the things you'd live to see. In 100 years football players will earn so much money all the games will be on hologram only because no fekker can afford the prices to see them play (and most of them will still be crap). Who wouldn't want to stick around to see that?

In 200 years women might have finally learned to explain what's wrong with them instead of saying 'I'm fine' when they're pissed off. That would be quite good too, wouldn't it?
In 200 years women might have finally learned to explain what's wrong with them instead of saying 'I'm fine' when they're pissed off. That would be quite good too, wouldn't it?
You need to start checking your online schedule with the women on here. It's PMT central at this IP address AND I DON'T APPRECIATE YOUR LAST COMMENT AND I DON'T NEED A FRIGGIN CUDDLE. I'm going to call you a fool for the second time today and it's not even ten past midnight. Fool.
Prometheus - Do you mean forever or for say 400 years?

Thinking it through, eventually our sun will explode, taking Planet Earth with it. You would be left floating around space, not being able to breathe, eat or do anything, but also not being able to die either - not a good state of affairs !!

I think living for a few hundred years might be interesting, assuming you have your health and mental faculties intact.

I don't think we will ever get off this planet. I think the usage of resources will lead us to a state of pseudo-agrarian living. I love my electronic toys and LCD tv, my blu-rays and my car and my iPods (yes I have more than one). I would find it hard not to use these things so I am not helping the situation !!
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Prometheus - Do you mean forever or for say 400 years? Thinking it through, eventually our sun will explode, taking Planet Earth with it. You would be left floating around space, not being able to breathe, eat or do anything, but also not being able to die either - not a good state of affairs !!

We'll have found a way to survive somewhere other than Earth by then. You don't know what technoclogies they might come up with. I wouldn't mind floating around in space though. I could sing that David Bowie sang about 'planet Earth is blue and there's nothing I can do'.
Reference: Cologne..
Living forever fills me with dread
It would depend on whether our longevity was due to healthy living or a 'SHE' kinda curse!
Personally I would like to see as many of my childrens childrens childrens .... you get my point!
Only on condition that I grow no more unable & that I can select my own ending!
Non negotiable!
But would you want be on your own forever - floating through space like a bad episode of Blake Seven ??

I wasn't really planning on floating through space tbh. I was thinking of eventually settling down with a nice pad on Mars, or maybe Jupiter. I'd be pretty good as an intergalactic foreign correspondent I reckon, except I won't because by that time I'll be brown bread 

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