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Sega Urinal Toylet
Sega has developed video games that are played at urinals in Japan.

Toylets have been installed in restrooms across Tokyo, and feature LCD screens and sensors that measure the pressure and location of the urine stream, according to Wired.

Four mini-games playable include Mannekin Pies, which simply scores players on the pressure of the stream, and Graffiti Eraser, where users wash away a wall of paint by directing a hose.

The North Wind And Her revolves around blowing wind up a girl's skirt, where stronger urine pressure creates higher gusts of wind.

Finally, Milk From Nose is a competitive multiplayer game wherein the player competes against the urinal's previous user - the one with the strongest stream being named the winner.

As well as games, LCD screens display advertisements between sessions, and USB functionality allows players to download and keep track of highscores over time.

It is unknown whether the devices will be available outside of Japan

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This is it
I wonder why men piss on the floor?
Is it down to aggravation?
Neglect or lack of concentration
Are they lost in such abstractions
That they lack mundane reactions?
Is it simply they don’t see
In which direction that they pee?
Do they do it to annoy?
Do they practise when a boy?
Don’t they know the pong it makes,
Those nasty smelly little lakes?
In the wee small hours with feet all bare
It makes a most disgusting snare.
Could it be that men know well
Regardless of the horrid smell
When it comes to cleaning floors
It’s females do the rotten chores
Awareness should be raised on this,
This woman’s sick of cleaning piss.
Veggie's post about flies painted on toilet bowls reminded me of something that happened at one of the schools I work with last year.  The school decided that it might help to have stickers in the boys toilets in the infants to encourage them to try to concentrate on improving their aim and hopefully to stop them weeing on the floor.  The children were really enthusiastic,until one day all the stickers disappeared during lunchtime.  Then the Headteacher noticed a little boy in Year 1 who had loads of stickers stuck on his sweatshirt...... 

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