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Stop Tweeting - or we will take you to court! Watchdog's crackdown on celebrities who plug products on Twitter

By Lara Gould and Martin Delgado.

Dozens of celebrities, including actress Liz Hurley and singer Lily Allen, face possible court action over claims that they are endorsing luxury items on their internet blogs and Tweets without declaring that they have been paid by the companies concerned.

Actors, pop stars and TV presenters who fail to mention that they have a financial interest in ‘plugging’ goods such as cars or perfumes online could be contacted by the Government’s consumer watchdog in the coming weeks.

The crackdown has been ordered by the Office of Fair Trading, which has the power to take offenders to court.

Liz Hurley

Pretty in pink... but could Liz Hurley's endorsement of Estee Lauder products make others see red?

The first such case of its kind was brought last year against a PR firm which was found to be paying bloggers to write in glowing terms about the company’s clients. Now enforcement officers are examining possible breaches of the law by celebrities involved in secret deals with manufacturers of luxury goods.

The OFT refuses to discuss ongoing investigations but officials are known to be keen to crack down on what they regard as possible breaches of the consumer protection laws laid down in the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008.

Elizabeth Hurley’s Twitter page contains at least ten references to Estee Lauder’s ‘divine’ skincare products. She has been the public face of the cosmetics company for 17 years. Her spokesman would not comment on whether the deal obliges her to Tweet on its behalf.

Lily Allen

'Tres excited': Lily Allen tweeted about a Playstation Move

Lily Allen, whose Twitter page has more than 2.5 million followers, wrote: ‘Apparently there is a brand new Playstation Move waiting for me at my office in the morning. Tres exciting.’

The computer gaming company was involved in the launch of Miss Allen’s new clothes shop, Lucy in Disguise, in Covent Garden, London, in September. Asked about a possible connection with the singer’s online musings, Miss Allen’s spokesman said: ‘It’s nobody’s business.’

Fashion designer Henry Holland Tweeted excitedly about his new Range Rover twice last year. ‘It’s the dream! Waiting for me in the car park!’


Out of line? Celebrities have been accused of using their their Twitter micro-blogging accounts to 'plug' products

A Range Rover spokesman appeared to confirm that the company offered celebrities the use of cars in return for their endorsement.

He said: ‘We have a number of schemes for VIPs where we can enter into a contract for certain returns in return for them driving our vehicles. We enlisted the help of a number of people with high profiles on Twitter. They get the loan of a vehicle which they can use, drive around and take pictures of.’

When asked if the loan of the vehicles was subsidised, the spokesperson said: ‘It’s not free but we can’t disclose the figures of how much individuals pay because it depends on their contracts and what we’re asking them to do. Under the terms of the deal they Tweet. That’s the idea. They Tweet about the car.’

Peter Andre

Caffeine man: Peter Andre Tweeted on more than one occasion about Costa Coffee

Later another Range Rover spokesman denied that the company offered incentives to celebrities to Tweet about its products.

If OFT warnings about surreptitious advertising are ignored, it can seek a court order that could lead to a criminal prosecution and an unlimited fine.

OFT Senior Director Heather Clayton said: ‘The integrity of information published online is crucial so that people can make informed decisions on how to spend their money.’

Celebrity endorsements on blogs are a huge industry in the US where stars like Snoop Dogg can earn up to £3,000 per Tweet for promoting brands.

But they have to be accom­panied by the prefixes ‘ad’ or ‘spon’ to show the reference has been paid for.


Stars and the goodies they raved about on web


Henry Holland

Ranger Rover fan: Henry Holland

Henry Holland (133,035 followers)

Range Rover

‘CAN’T WAIT FOR MY NEW RANGE ROVER  . . .!!!!’ – November 24

‘It’s the dream! Waiting for me in the car park! – December 2

A Range Rover spokesman said their VIP scheme meant celebrities signed contracts ‘in return for them driving our cars.’ She added: ‘It’s not free...Under the terms of the deal they Tweet  . . .

‘They Tweet about the car.’


Elizabeth Hurley (66,603 followers)

Estee Lauder

‘If your skin is dry from too much central heating, try Estee Lauder’s Hydrationist serum. Just used for first time & it’s divine.’ – January 5

‘About to slap on some Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess fake tan.’ – May 2

‘Oooh  . . .Just got big box of new Estee Lauder make up. Divine dark, sparkly nail polish: Extravagant Night. Putting it on now.’ – October 5

The actress has just signed a new contract to promote Estee Lauder. Her spokesman could not say if her deal obliges her to Tweet.


Peaches Geldof

'Chilling at the May Fair': Peaches Geldof

Peaches Geldof (97,919 followers)

The May Fair Hotel

‘I’m in London until Thursday, then it’s back to New York. Chilling in the May Fair.’ – June 16

A spokesman for the £275-a-night hotel confirmed Ms Geldof served as an ‘ambassador’ while living there for six months. In exchange for promoting it, she received a discount of tens of thousands from her bill.

Peaches’ agent was unable to confirm if she was asked to Tweet as part of the deal. The hotel denied it.


Lily Allen (2,573,958 followers)

PlayStation and Grey Goose vodka

‘PlayStation Move waiting for me at my office  . . . Tres exciting!’ – September 19

After uploading a picture of vodka bottles: ‘Whoop Whoop!!!!!!!!

‘Grey Goose in the house.’ – September 16

Lily’s spokesman said: ‘We wouldn’t comment on whether it was part of a deal with Lily. It’s nobody’s business.’


Rav Wilding (11,227 followers)

Range Rover

‘Had thick snow and then a puncture on the M25! So lucky to be in my car. It ate the snow and got me back with 3 tyres!’ - November 30

Rav’s spokesman denied any agreement to Tweet about Range Rover’s VIP lease scheme.


Jonathan Ross

Universal soldier: Jonathan Ross

Jonathan Ross (809,183 followers)

Universal Studios

‘Waiting for plane home! But had an awesome day at Universal Orlando!’ – December 30

Mr Ross’s agent said Ross and his family were given priority passes at Universal Studios. He said: ‘They always look after them at Universal. But they did not pay for flights and Jonathan has a house there which he stays in every December.’ He denied the Tweeting was in exchange for the priority passes.


Peter Andre (669,936 followers)

Costa Coffee

‘At BBC studio. Yeay (sic) they have a Costa Coffee here. Need an espresso.’ – October 25

‘Who’s coming to Costa Coffee Piccadilly at 10.00am tomorrow? First five customers will get Costa’s new Flat White served by me. Lol.’ – January 26

A Costa Coffee spokeswoman confirmed that he was paid to launch their Flat White coffee last year. She denied that the company asked him to Tweet.

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