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I do think kids are growing up faster these days. I can only speak for my own kids but I know that they are watching/seeing/hearing completely different things than I did at their age. Times change and we change with them but there has to be a point where parents say if it's gone too far. These things are available for sale because people want them and ask for them. Magazines and stuff are geared to a much younger age now and in some ways I think that can help kids rather than hinder them. It's always been about keeping up with the times. Peer pressure and bullying is and always has been rife in schools and fashion is one of the main causes. Hand me downs aren't acceptable now like they were in my day. It doesn't have to mean sexual and expensive though.
I have the same problem coz I have a laser mouse and a shiny mouse mat. It has a lovely pic of a cat on it though so I keep using it

I tell you Cags, the amount of posts ive typed out, reached for the mouse to hit submit reply and the side thats set to go back a page on the browser goes off and i blummin well loose the post! Then i cant be bothered to retype it half the time.... i'm waiting for the new one to be delivered
I do think kids are growing up faster these days. I can only speak for my own kids but I know that they are watching/seeing/hearing completely different things than I did at their age. Times change and we change with them but there has to be a point where parents say if it's gone too far. These things are available for sale because people want them and ask for them. Magazines and stuff are geared to a much younger age now and in some ways I think that can help kids rather than hinder them. It's always been about keeping up with the times. Peer pressure and bullying is and always has been rife in schools and fashion is one of the main causes. Hand me downs aren't acceptable now like they were in my day. It doesn't have to mean sexual and expensive though.

 This is so true, unless we wrap them in cotton wool ,which is not a good thing either, they are going to have to know what's out there and how to deal with it at one time or another.

I have both older daughters and younger ones, and can  see the difference about the changes in our society from when my oldest was young to my youngest now.
 Its finding a balance. There is no manual that comes with you - "How to be the perfect Mother" 
we just know what's best for our children. As long as they have  love, support, always being there, always advising and leading the way.

Its a hard rewarding job.
Ev (Peachy)
Its a hard rewarding job.

It is but sometimes I think I'm being judgemental of others. I can sit on here and condemn mothers who dress their kids the way I see as unsuitable but as you just long as they have love, support and advice then who am I to judge? As adults we're always saying "clothes don't make a person" and it's what's on the inside that counts so it's sending mixed signals to kids to tell them certain clothes are wrong. It's not what the kids are wearing that's the's how the adults associate clothes with sex. I know I contradict myself there but it's difficult to get right. My girls want to wear strappy dresses to parties. On the one hand I'm thinking they look lovely but on the other hand I'm worrying who's looking at them and what they might be thinking. Do I let them wear what they want in the innocent way they intend or do I bow down to pressure and make them cover up and feel unhappy?

I get told often that my kids are too opinionated. I don't see it like that. I see it as a good thing that they think about things and question things they don't agree with. I explain to them about clothes but as they keep telling me. They'll be at high school soon and aren't babies anymore. 
The world I grew up in and the world today are so different.  I loved wearing my mother's high heels around the house as a child, but there is no way my mother would have allowed me to wear high heels outside the house.

Face painting at a party is a lot different than allowing a girl of 8 or 9 to wear mascara and lipstick to school.

I think parents are afraid to say "no" to their children these days.
I'll look in Gap though. I blame you if he costs me a fortune 

Hope there's something decent now I've said We were looking at the toddler stuff, not sure what the older boy's things are like! 
I am really against padded bras for 8-9 year olds, and girls wearing so much slap that they are barely unrecognizable, and so on...but teenage girls need to be free to express themselves, and if wearing a bit of makeup at 14/15 makes them feel confident and happy, so what?  It's good to keep children children as long as you can, but you've got to be realistic; children will be influenced by their peers, and want to fit in with them, and if you try and restrict them, you'll get them resenting you, and rebelling.

I totally disagree with the poster who said that you can't be friends with your children though.  Why on earth not?  You can be friends with your kids, and still instill boundaries and put regulations on them and what time they come home and disallow smoking and boozing etc.  So because you're a parent, you can't go to the cinema with your kids, or go shopping with them or play sports with them, and socialise with them sometimes, or be friendly with their pals or talk to them freely like you would with friends?  Just because you're their parents?  I don't get why not.  Maybe people who say this, don't have a really open and secure relationship with their children and find it hard to communicate with them. I see no reason on earth why you can't be a friend to your children.
I made the comment about befriending our children and I firmly believe it.IMO there is a world of difference in being *friends* ,aren't all parents a friend to a degree,than becoming the best buddies scenario,imo it is then the parental respect in relation to boundaries becomes difficult to put in place as the *child* sees the parent as being on their level or them on the parents level....I raised 3 sons and my niece,each and every one of then knew there was absolutely nothing they could not come to be about,that still applies,we did go shopping,cinema sports etc and as they got older each relationship changed,I had *friends* and thankfully didn't feel the need to rely on my children for *friendship* ,I ensured the same applied to them and actively encouraged them to have a wide circle of friends  which they all did.
I did say it and for the record I have a wonderful relationship with each of my children  their wives my niece and her partner,I was/am their friend but first and foremost I am their parent, we always have had a very secure relationship always have communicated ,long may it reign.

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