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This does go on in a town near to where I live. The town is predominantly Pakistani, and an M.P of that town has fought for years against exactly this sort of thing happening. There is a culture of Pakistani men "grooming " young white girls, then getting them hooked on drink and drugs and then the girls become dependent on the men. The men then "pass" these girls around amongst themselves. Jack Straw is an MP for a mainly Asian area, and I am sure he would not have said these things lightly with out giving them great thought.
I think it was insensitive and wrongly worded, but I do see his point to some degree. He wasn't claiming that only Pakistani males commit rape, in fact he said the vast majority in prison were white males. IMO what he should have said that these two individuals would not have targeted young girls of their race. I'm not justifying his badly worded statement. but I think I understood what he was trying to convey. The 26 girls that were raped were young white females, and they think there may have been up to 60 young girls involved.
He wasn't claiming that only Pakistani males commit rape, in fact he said the vast majority in prison were white males.

I think he was very careful to try and make this specific to the issue and not a general statement.....everyone's aware there are sick barstewards in every culture.

I think it was a brave thing for him to made me but having experienced it many times first hand, I was in full agreement with it sadly.

When I was 16 I lived in an area populated mainly by the pakistani community for a few months. My sister was at college there and I went to stay with her for a while.....and I was propositioned countless times while I was just walking down the street, minding my own business. Unfortunately at that time, and in that place, there did exist an attitude amongst SOME pakistani men that white girls were easy targets. So I can't say it surprises me if it still prevails today, and that these two men may have used it as a basis for their predatory behaviour. We're all well aware that racist attitudes can take generations to evolve and change for the better!

I just hope this statement from Jack Straw is taken in a positive way....and encourages people to question lazy, inaccurate, but ingrained, attitudes....whatever their colour, race or background.
People of the AREA are saying its a debate long overdue.

Mr Straw told the BBC's Newsnight programme: "Pakistanis, let's be clear, are not the only people who commit sexual offences, and overwhelmingly the sex offenders' wings of prisons are full of white sex offenders.


"But there is a specific problem which involves Pakistani heritage men... who target vulnerable young white girls.


"We need to get the Pakistani community to think much more clearly about why this is going on and to be more open about the problems that are leading to a number of Pakistani heritage men thinking it is OK to target white girls in this way."


The judge said he did not believe the crimes were "racially aggravated", but Mr Straw said he thought vulnerable white girls were at risk of being targeted by some Asian men.


"These young men are in a western society, in any event, they act like any other young men, they're fizzing and popping with testosterone, they want some outlet for that, but Pakistani heritage girls are off-limits and they are expected to marry a Pakistani girl from Pakistan, typically," he said.


"So they then seek other avenues and they see these young women, white girls who are vulnerable, some of them in care... who they think are easy meat.


"And because they're vulnerable they ply them with gifts, they give them drugs, and then of course they're trapped

Last edited by Former Member
but from working with a lot of Asian guys over the years, their opinion is that white girls are OK to date and other things, but not for marrying, because they all want to marry virgins from their own background...................    i for one know this is true ,  i wouldn't say i was abused but i was strung along for 12 years  i should have known better
This is the full Newsnight report.

I think Jack Straw's main error was using the term 'white girls'. Although the majority of the girls were white, the woman involved in researching these cases made it clear that, taking into account the demographics in those areas and the numbers of black and Asian girls abused, ethnic minority victims were over represented in the figures. She also worries that bringing race into it, without a proper investigation of other areas of the country, will end up making it a self fulfilling prophecy i.e. only looking for Pakistani gangs will only turn up Pakistani gangs. Young, vulnerable girls, and boys, are passed around these sort of rings in other parts of the country, as we find out every now and then on the news. 

I have no doubt that there is a problem with racist attitudes in all communities, and anyone who sees themselves as superior to others, whether because of race, colour, or creed, is in danger of treating others as less worthy of respect, than those of their own culture, religion, or race. If they also happen to be violent, sadistic, sexual predators, they may choose their targets based on these thoughts.

These girls appear to have been chosen, because they were young, impressionable and mostly vulnerable.
Basically, these are scummy men, with no respect for women, or girls, who probably steer clear of behaving like this towards girls in their own community, because they would be more likely to be found out. I can't imagine any woman would have a particularly safe and happy life living with someone capable of such things, Pakistani, or not.
I think it was a brave thing for him to made me but having experienced it many times first hand, I was in full agreement with it sadly.

So do I ducky, but on refection he could have done it better, it will be racist in some eyes and he certainly didn't mean it that way. I agreed with what he said, not how he worded it 

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