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Tbh I don't believe this walk out rumours, whilst the actors might be a bit peed off privately I still think they are professional enough to carry on with their job.

I notice that one of the people doing that article is Dan Wooton who had a hissy fit on Twitter because the info that Sam was leaving was released to the Sun first even though they are under the same company, plus he seems to have an anti agenda.

darloboy (Play The Game!)
If Sam Womack has walked out because of all this, I can't understand why.. She was just doing what she was told..  and reading/acting out the script that she was told to, so I think she has done the wrong thing leaving.  I suspect that she may find it hard to get acting work after this.  Not the baby death/baby swap thing, but her leaving because of it (if that is indeed the reason..) 

I do agree that Sam is a bit wooden and have never been fond of her as Ronnie.  Maybe its the part, but she is so bloody miserable all the time.  I watched the last 4 or 5 episodes on catch up out of blatant curiosity even though I don't watch it these days, and Sam Womack is so limp and looks like she doesn't even want to be there.  Jessie Wallace and Shane Ritchie are giving amazing performances.  Full of passion and energy: even Charlie Slater is good, and I feel so sorry for him.  Sam/Ronnie is crap to watch: she just looks bored. 
I agree Demantoid.  I think EE used to be good with a few good characters and memorable characters, but its gone downhill in the last couple of years.  Shame really.     Maybe it will pick up again, but I got so sick of it's daft inconsistent storylines and how unrealistic and downright daft it was, that I quit watching.

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