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Reference:  Justy x
but if she starts saying my grandads names or nannys i will under the chair in front of me

But that's just it - she won't.  Not unless she's been primed prior to the show.

And, if any loved one wanted to get 'in touch' with you do you honestly think they'd want to scare and upset you?  This is why I have little time for these 'mediums'.  To unnerve a bereaved relative is not my idea of how such things should or would happen.

Reference:  Soozy
and spookily even new borns sometimes have mannerisms and characteristics of those long gone

That's not spooky, that's genetics.   But I do know what you mean; my younger son is living stamp of his sperm donor - mannerisms, stance.....he even walks like his father.
He hasn't seen the man since he was 7 and has little recall of him.
Harry Houdini, the magician, was also known for showing self-proclaimed mediums to be frauds. He would attend seances in disguise accompanied by a news reporter and a police officer and after the medium's show, would then show the audience how the medium had taken them in.

Shortly before he died, he and his wife agreed that if his spirit ever came back to Earth he would say "Rosabelle believe" as a secret codeword. His wife would hold yearly seances on the anniversary of his death, but he never appeared. As a tribute to Houdini, these seances have continued, but he has yet to materialise.
El Loro
I believe that we all have the ability as newborns and very young children to see spirit.  I think unless you have had your own personal experiences it's easy to not believe.  If you think about it, it takes an enormous amount of faith to believe something that nobody can prove to you unless you have had your own experiences.  Sensible scepticism is good but in my case absolute faith in that you go on to another life after this one.

It's a personal belief that nobody else can give you it should only come from your own experiences.  For those who mock that spirit can actually make contact - they never will with you as what would be the point, it takes a lot of energy to make the contact, either you would dismiss it or just miss it altogether xx
I see your point freespirit about 'why should the spirit bother if people don't believe?'  But wouldn't they want to appear to prove the dis-believer wrong?  The fact that spirits and suchlike only appear to people who believe and don't seem to appear in front of skeptics, kind of suggests that maybe it is in peoples' imaginations.  I'm not saying it is, as I believe that there is life after death and so on, but it could appear a bit funny/coincidental to some, that spirits etc, 'never' appear to dis-believers. 
I am very spiritual and I know our loved ones who has passed away can comminicate with us it has been happening to me for over 40 years and nobody can  tell me otherwise is a fact, I believe there are mediums who are genuine but an awful lot of them who are not,I can understand someone saying  they dont believe if it has never happened to them but it has been  happening  to me  for over 40 years .... my experiences have not been through a medium.
Last edited by Marguerita
Sparkles I don't believe that loved ones don't come back to non believers I believe non believers miss the experience or put it down to a trick of the eye because in their conscious mind they cannot comprehend this as being possible.  Loved ones can let you know they are there in various different ways it's just whether you get it.

Marguerita has said she has had lots of experiences, me too and I bet she wouldn't want to share them with anyone because they are private.  I have paid to go and see mediums, not because I feel they can give me more than I get myself but because they validate the experiences i have. 

I also think if you are skeptical you almost put up a brick wall and its very hard to see through a brick wall. I think this is the reason they go through mediums, because their contact won't be overlooked.

I agree that your loved ones would rather come direct and wouldn't want you spending your money on something that you could get for yourself but it goes back to being a sceptic or a believer as to whether you would actually take the contact or dismiss it :0) xx
My friend and I went to Edinburgh last September to see John Edwards......what a lot of sh*t.
He came on ,spoke about himself and his work for 30 mins or so .
He then told us about reading he had given others!! like we cared,that went on for another 30 mins.
Then he asked if there was any questions,why I though ,you havent bliddy done anything.
Several people put their hand up ,he went to the first one. Answered her question.On to the next persons question,but wait for it ,he has a message.This took 20 mins.
Next persons question ,you guessed it ,he had a message for that person too.
This continued until he had answered all the people who had put their hand up to ask a question.
He thanked us for coming ,and left.  
I have never felt so conned in my life.

All I can say is ,if you go to see John Edwards,and he asks "Any questions......stick your hand up.
My friend went to see Sally someone and she was amazed,the woman just came on and rattled through reading after reading,even thou my friend did not get read,she was very impressed and moved by the reaction of the ones that received a reading.

My firm belief is I honestly don't know what to believe. I consider all mediums/psychics to be total charlatans and a disgrace to humanity, yet I have had experiences that I can not deny were spiritualistic in nature including my mother passing on in the same house I was in and notifiying me of her death while I slept (I woke up screaming) hours before anyone else in the family plucked up the courage to tell me she had passed on. To further complicate the situation I am an ardent atheist as I consider all organised religions to be equally full of charlatans and outright liars.

There's something out there. What? Well if I knew that I would know the meaning of life (and death) and you lot are the last people I'd be sharing it with knowing you'd all be racing to the phone for a Sun front page
I believe in them...     There is one called Maureen Flynn who did a reading for my friend ..  my friend was very sceptical and almost hostile during the reading...  but it didn't matter.. there was no pussy footing around with someone with an intial S or anything..  it was straight in with "Steven is still with you...  " and there followed a message so accurate & intimate that the only other explanation would have been that she had found some secret diary of my friends bessie mate who had tragically drowned whilst on a fishing trip.   (he didn't seem like the diary type).

there are loads of blaggers out there though...  I don't think they are all doing it just to rip people off... I think a lot of it is they really really wish they were special and had the sight.

Derek Accorah & John Edwards are completely fake (I think)....  even worse.. they are not even good at blagging it!!!    who picked them to be telly mediums!!

As I said.. I love Colin Fry...   I came to conclusion that if he wasn't the real deal...  (but I think he is)...  then what he does still has worth.   He brings a lot of comfort to people.

I love the opening line he always says  "death is the biggest lie we have ever been told"...

There's no one I would want to visit me from the other side....   apart from the dogs we've lost.   I worry about the dogs!     If I ever had a reading I would want whoever was looking after the dogs to come through.

Daughter & I have a deal...   if there is something after death, then I will try everything possible to come & see her.    She has some rules though... it has to be daylight...   I have to be presentable (not like in Ghost Whisperer when they are still upset ghost & all mangled)...   I am not allowed to creep up on her....  or catch her naked, on the loo or with a bloke.
forgot to add  they would never scare me

Well you see, this is my problem with a lot of these 'experiences' people claim to have. I had a dream and she came to me to tell me she was gone. If I had woken as normal and there she was as an apparition in front of me it would have scared the living hell out of me. I don't get how people can claim to have seen a dead relative in front of them and it didn't terrify them to the point they needed therapy. It makes no sense at all to me no matter how much they loved the person who passed on.

I've always said if any of the morons who claim to be in contact with the dead  (Chief Moron being Derek Acorah) ever saw a real ghost he'd crap himself and would end up in an asylum as a gibbering idiot (which isn't far removed from what he is now, admittedly).
I love the opening line he always says  "death is the biggest lie we have ever been told"...

How can you lose with a line like that? This guy knows his audience. He's telling them they are immortal and death is not the end. Suckers, come and get it. It works for every major religion in the world, why shouldn't he cash in too?

I don't see them as suckers.   Most of them are grieving...    he gives them some comfort.   That makes him a good person not a bad person, in my eyes.

Don't get me wrong...   there are an awful lot of them who are like that...  who are purely in it pull the wool over peoples eyes in order to get their cash..    but I don't think he is one of them.

I spent a long time watching him on the telly when I was sobbing my heart out over losing our puppy (yeah I know,,, its a dog.. but the hurt was the same as if it had been one of the family, for me)..       my parents have religious faith...   I didn't.    I discovered the huge drawback to this when I was heartbroken over losing the dog....   I couldn't give myself any comfort...  cos however many times in the past I had played the whole afterlife thing round my head...  I always came back to "we die, we decompose, become basic chemicals & go into the circle of life"..      I envied my parents their blind faith.

Tis why, despite my own personal opinion of structured religions administrated by men being slightly negative (understatement)... I actually think people who have a religious faith and are able to believe in all that are quite lucky, and I wouldn't want to take it from them.

If only they would treat me in a similar manner!
I've always said if any of the morons who claim to be in contact with the dead  (Chief Moron being Derek Acorah) ever saw a real ghost he'd crap himself and would end up in an asylum as a gibbering idiot (which isn't far removed from what he is now, admittedly).

Oh I used to wish & wish & wish that they would actually find a ghost on that haunted live programme he did with that annoying Yvette woman.     How can anyone...   dead or alive not want to beat him with a large bit of 2'x4'?

Sam his spiritual guide my arse!!!!   Sam says.... Sam thinks...   Sam is guiding me!  Yeah Right!
Ditty I don't envy them I seem them as deluded. What saddens me is most religious people are religious because they want to believe it's right to lead a good life and have compassion for others yet religion teaches people to hate all others who don't follow their particular ideals to the point they go to war with each other. The whole concept of it disgusts me.

Colin Fry is making money from it. He's just another life after death used car salesman type profiteering at the expense of the aggrieved. I'm not arguing with you by the way I can see where you're coming from  I just think the whole thing is flawed at every point imaginable and the 'good' people who turn to religion for all the right reasons are forced to ignore all the horrors it creates in order to believe. It's about as f*cked up a situation as you can possibly find anywhere.
most religious people are religious because they want to believe it's right to lead a good life and have compassion

that was how I came to accept where I am with the whole religious thing..   I just thought "if there is a higher being... be it extra terrestrial, some energy on another plane of existance.. anything...  then surely all they would want would be for us to live our lives the best way we can, without hurting others, respecting all life"

I'd never had to nail it down til the kids came home from school asking 'the right' questions.  I'd always ummed & ahhed about stuff....  wanting them to make their own minds up...  and not wanting to inflict my heathen values on them (cos back then I was brainwashed into thinking my lack of religion was a bad thing)...      but my boy came out of school aged 5 or 6   "Mum, Molly (my eldest) says that there is no Santa... its a lie.. is it?"    I couldn't tell him a barefaced lie... so I told him the truth.      A couple of days later his headmistress rang me and told me he was upsetting some of the other kids telling them there was no such thing as Santa, the tooth fairy, god or jesus!    Oooops!   (twas a church of england primary school)
Ditty . All I can say is you wanting them to make their own minds up about what's what when they are old enough makes you a fantastic mum . They'll appreciate it more when they get older. And yes, lying to kids about things they'll find the truth about later is no way forward even if they think you lied to protect their innocence.
Never believed in all that kind of thing, but have been to see a clairvoyant myself.  He told me I'd move to a white house in the countryside.  Fair enough....I did.  Still didn't believe in it....

Years ago, my Mum went to see one, and she was told she'd never be well off.  True enough!!  But...that there was a painting that Mum had, and it would turn out to be worth quite a bit.  We laughed over that - a painting, in my Mum's house?  Never!!
Anyway, my Nan (RIP) won a painting in a raffle at one of her clubs - she hated it, and gave it to my Mum. 
My Dad and I liked it, and it's been hanging in my Dads office for years - we thought it may be an original, so Dad had it valued, and it's worth a fair bit now.

Still not sure I believe though!!  I'm a cynical old git!!
Hmmm depends on what it is I think

oh I dunno K...    I was lucky..  on a couple of really sticky issues I was able to divert, be vague, or be careful with my wording til they were old enough to understand the truth...     

I can honestly say I don't think I have lied to them...   I believe that arming them with the facts is my best bet for them to make the right decisions about stuff.  

Its worked so far...    but I ain't out of the woods yet  

I dunno if it would be the same if Alfie was the eldest....      he seems to want a more traditional parent kid relationship.... unlike the more on the level way of doing things I have with his sister.
I'm not religious but I am spiritual, you can most definitely be one without the other.  It's an interesting topic and I don't believe a believer could convince a sceptic.  I love the experiences I have had although they are not always good.  Good from loved ones that we call spirits but I've had bad ones with ghosts the difference being ghosts have not gone onto the after life they are earthbound for whatever reason and they are strangers to me.

I think we can all only ever go from personal experiences.  I agree there are some charlatans out there and no doubt a very high percentage of people who claim to be mediums just aren't.

It's interesting to read different peoples view though :0) xx


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