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Thats great Marguerita.  And good morning to you.    That's great that you're doing well, and this wasnt aimed at everyone who is comfortably off.   I meant that people who don't have financial worries who DO have this 'I'm all right Jack' attitude piss me off.  I didnt mean that everyone who is comfortably off has this attitude. 

I mean there was a time when I had disposable income and saw people struggling around me, and like you, I certainly had empathy for people who were losing their homes (in the last recession in the late 80s/early 90s..)  So this wasnt aimed at everyone, just the ones who DO have this attitude; 'if it doesn't affect me, i don't give a toss' and some people do have this attitude.
Last edited by Former Member
Oh I am glad Marguerita,  I wouldnt want to offend you .  I think everyone knows someone with a selfish attitude like this 'if it doesnt affect me I don't care...' but of course many who arent being affected still do have empathy.   

I took our rubbish to the skips the other week when the bin men couldnt get to us, but the people with 4 or 5 kids in the road behind me, who had no car had loads of rubbish overflowing out of their bins by boxing day, and bin bags full of rubbish next to the bins, and I felt really sorry for them.    I didnt think tough luck, not my problem.

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