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Let me rephrase that then Foxfest:  Affairs always with someone in tears.  No way can any affair occur without SOMEone being hurt or upset eventually... I mean, you say yours 'ended in marriage' but someone must have been hurt along the way... your partner/wife, or her partner/husband. 

And if you say that you didn't have a partner (either of you,) then it wasn't an affair.... it's only an affair if one of you is cheating on your partner, otherwise, it's just a relationship... If you were indeed cheating on your partner (at least one of you) then someone would have ended up hurt and upset by it.  Lucky for you, it wasn't you (by the sound of it.)
Last edited by Former Member
Sparkles, in my case, wrong again - it was all very amicable, believe it or not.
Both of them needed a reason to officially end a marriage that had been over for years. Both of them found their respective reasons.  I was one of the reasons - if that makes sense. But I accept that my story is probably an exception to the norm (whatever the norm is).
~ Babette ~
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when at first we practice to deceive.

Lonely & Sad, I wouldn't do it. It may seem like fun in the beginning but God is always watching and later on in life I predict you will contract gonorrhea, everything south will turn green (including your toes) and you will eventually die in the toilets of an STD clinic. Not a good way to go pet.
So although the OP is obviously having a laugh its not completely beyond the realms of possibility even if they are a man.

Of course it isn't! In the same way if this was 3 women, or 2 women and a man (being the husband who is allowing the internet folly to continue, or vice versa). We all bleed red. Weird to suggest that just cos it's a fella that it can't possibly be true.

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