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Hi, Suzy: I edited your post to remove the weird formatting issue (that's why it says "last edited by Lori").  Has something to do with the quoting that you weren't able to do properly.

Comrade: I'm sorry to hear about this.  Having been through a devastating divorce some 15 year ago, I feel for you.  I can understand how you might feel that you never want to be involved to that extent again, and that's OK....for now.  My experience is that you'll find the right person when you aren't looking (sounds like Ditty's experience--she just wanted a friend. )
When MrD & I decided to make a go of it, cos we had met online (in chatrooms...   forums were less popular then, and the likes of & Facebook weren't around then)...  we made an agreement...  no more talking to people online.   Cos we knew, from meeting each other, that it would inevitably lead to one of us talking too much to someone else etc.

When I first started coming on the old Ch4 Big Brother forum he wasn't happy at all at first...  in fact it was only cos he used a biker forum & Motley Fool forum that he was ok with any of it.

He's fine about it all now.....     but if I was spending all night in one to one chats on MSN with some bloke...   well to us that is a breach of trust.

We have a golden rule.... it covers all the grey areas...    Don't do anything we would be unhappy with the other one doing.    Its a rule that works really well.
Sounds a good arrangement Ditty.. and boundaries are important ,good to have them clear from the outset .( and that kind of reinforces what folk are saying to CO about blocking.. that's self-imposed boundaries there! ) 

I wish the interweb/ forums etc  had been a bit more mainstream when I did the big split thing years ago ..not in a "NEXT!!!" way, but just to shoot the breeze a bit, and for diversion really in the wee small hours (and to stop me wearing out the sad song section of my music collection and hiding the phone from myself! ).
but does it include snoring?

I suppose it kinda does...   he can sleep through anything...  he can sleep sitting at his laptop fgs...   so when I snore (little laydeelike snores) he either ignores it...   or if he is awake he thinks its funny to hold my nose & stuff! 

That said ... the rule did come into play when the snoring was really bad...  & when half the problem was his reaction when I would kick/prod/shout at him to stop snoring..      he's better with this part of it now...     he just mumbles "sorry" rolls over.
I don't mean in a gymnastic kind of way

hahahahaha!    Are you sure!!

I have done the splitting up & being devastated thing before the internet... & then with the wonders of the online world...  & the latter was definitely easier.   Especially cos I was a single mum.  It was a lifeline!

Dunno whether I would like it as much now though...    when I was doing all this, it was a minority of people that went online...     dunno whether it would be better or worse now that its pretty much everyone mingling about.
I am so sorry that you are feeling such deep sadness Comrade.
I feel sure that desperately clinging (even for what seems like good reasons) only prolongs the agonies.
I hope that soon the darkest cloud and the heaviest weights will lighten for you. I'm sure they will.
But grieving is not easy. Warm comforting wishes for you.
I am so sorry that you are feeling such deep sadness Comrade. I feel sure that desperately clinging (even for what seems like good reasons) only prolongs the agonies. I hope that soon the darkest cloud and the heaviest weights will lighten for you. I'm sure they will. But grieving is not easy. Warm comforting wishes for you.

Ev (Peachy)

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