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Former Member
Can you remember what you were doing a decade ago! It seems like only a couple of years ago yet soooo much has happened!!!  What where you doing then?

I remember my sister had a massive party, I was totally pissed and telling anyone who would listen that i was never going to worry again because the world didnt end and i really was worrying it heart was in my mouth at midnight...but behold we didnt all explode and it was worry for nothing.. so I celebrated by hitting the bar BIG TIME!!!

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we went to my mates house for a fancy dress party.......i was vera duckworth and mr sponge was rod stewart................the spongettes were 7 and 5 and had sparkly wigs on and fairy wands which they waved around constantly with mates kids..........we had fireworks in the then fell asleep upstairs..............mates hubby slid down the cupboards in the kitchen and fell asleep on the floor.......which is where we left him til the morning!!

i finally got a 'proper' job rather than the 3 part time ones i was doing.....gained alot more confidence and self esteem through that.......and i think at some point from 2005 onwards i grew up a bit!......also finally said goodbye to some demons which had haunted me for years
We got together with a group of friends that we always spent New Year with hired a cottage and had a lovely party with lots of kids running around, champagne and fireworks was a really fun night.  Haven't seen most of them for ages and all of the couples have split except us.  How times have changed! This year it will be just hubby and I and a bottle of champagne - kids will be off doing their own thing and we'll be lucky to see them even tomorrow 

The last 10 years have been ok for us ....and for that I'm thankful, but we have gotten into a bit of a rut and I've spent the last couple of years working away from home. So this year I hope to get a new job where I can live at home, and try and get a life outside work .....although I have no idea where to start!
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
I hope it is a nice night for you and hope you realise your dreams hoochie

My decade on the whole has been good. Some bad times but thankfully the good has outweighed them. I dont like to plan to far into the future, Im too superstitious   but in the near future I would like to move, I feel ive outgrown the city that im in and everything feels like its coming to a place that I could draw a nice neat line under things and bring them to a natural end. A new start somewhere a bit more vibrant is what I would like. If that is the start of my next decade then I'll be happy.

So I better get off this laptop, We have booked a hotel room and a good club so best get in the bath and get the hair curlers in Then we are off up to Glasgow for some fun and frolics for a week or so. So if I dont pop back before then wishing you all a very happy new year and hope the next decade is lucky and good for you
Reference: hoochie
This year it will be just hubby and I and a bottle of champagne - kids will be off doing their own thing and we'll be lucky to see them even tomorrow
That's our plan too hoochie ... and I am really looking forward to it

Happy New Year to all, I hope you all have a good evening doing whatever it is that you wish to do, here's to next year and to the next decade. *clinkety*

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