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Thanks for the advice everyone and Erin, that post has been really helpful.

I might go for the more expensive one cos I don't want to be farting about transferring bits from the PC to the Kindle, (although I might have to with the course books) - but for leisure reading I want it to be as convenient as possible and an extra 40 quid is worth it if it prevents me having something else to moan about
My son bought me a Kindle for christmas and so far I love it. It is so easy to use, easy on the eye and easy on the pocket. Generally the Kindle books are far cheaper than paper books. you can fit it in your handbag, but the best thing for me personally is that I can hold it without it affecting the arthritis in  my thumb. I highly recomend it

Same here Sezit
I treated myself to one a few months ago and I can honestly say, as an avid reader, it's one of my favourite buys ever! I also got the case with the light but mine only connects to our WiFi but I have downloaded loads of my favourite books and can flick through whichever book I fancy at the time

I have cookery books on there, the whole series of 'Wheel of Time' so I don't have to go scouring through my bookshelves for all thirteen books, there are loads of free books and I got the entire works of Shakespeare for 79p!  In addition to this, I can take clippings from the books and either keep them in a special folder or share them with my friends on Facebook if I feel they are interesting enough.  The cookery book is also great for taking with me to Sainsbury's to buy the ingredients without having to carry a big book about.

There is a web browser on there and I can access Wiki/FB/forums quite well but heavy-graphics pages don't work so well.  You can even hack it and put on your own pictures to use as screensavers (google for instructions).

And this; this is the really clever bit: I downloaded the app to my phone and opened up the book I was reading and it opened up the exact page I left it on the kindle itself - wow

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