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We had Beef Wellingron for Christmas day, so just take the beef out and slice it for sandwiches - lovely and medium rare and oh so tender.

Gammon on Boxing Day - I boil it for a couple of hours with carrot, onion and celery and same the stock to make soup tomorow.  I have the dried beans soaking and will add the leftover gammon into the soup - best soup, ever!
ust buy what ya need and ya wont have leftovers

But what about unexpected visitors and family that keep coming back for more? TBH - I've got a lot less left overs than normal but ...................I'd rather have more than enough than not enough. I'd be mortified if people turned up (which they do) and I didn't have a bit of a spread out for them.
Soozy Woo
I have just made the mother of all turkey broths - everything went in there - gammon,left over veg, potatoes. There would have been stuffing if it hadn't had fallen out of the fridge this morning and went all over the floor.This wouldn't have bothered me as I am of the adage " you have to have a bit of dirt before you die" and anyway it was going to be boiled which would have effectively killed any bugs  However OH thought otherwise so I had to bin it
I like the look of that stir friend shredded brussels and bacon that heston did on the Waitrose ad

Ooooh now there's an idea! Ta for that!

I reckon brussels will keep for a couple of weeks in the fridge or garage

We call the local petrol station the garage here and I read it and thought 'Why would Gita mind me sprouts?'
However OH thought otherwise so I had to bin it
 What do they know? Bit of dust and fluff never hurts anyone.

I've only just heard about this but ..............the other day we were all having spag bol mum was eating in the lounge and I gave my grandson (aged 3) some french bread to take into her. Apparently - he dropped it on the way in - licked it to clean it and then gave it to her.
Soozy Woo
hat do they know? Bit of dust and fluff never hurts anyone. I've only just heard about this but ..............the other day we were all having spag bol mum was eating in the lounge and I gave my grandson (aged 3) some french bread to take into her. Apparently - he dropped it on the way in - licked it to clean it and then gave it to her.
Absolutely - the floor was clean -I would have been doing him a favour by boasting his immune system.
Men! Pfttttt
I froze the left over 3 layer nut roast we had in two lots so that will do us for some future dinners.
I made spicy bubble and squeak stars with the left over sprouts and froze them too, all the kids love them when they are at mine and need lunch.

My Mum was the best ever with left overs. We would always have something for dinner on Mondays made with the left over Sunday roast - course I wasn't vegan in those days!

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