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This crap weather is doing my nut in TBH. In still have several gifts ordered online that haven't arrived. My Mum should be spending Christmas with my sister but bad weather didn't permit ................and to top it all - whilst she's been staying with me a pipe has burst and flooded her bungalow! 

I know things could be worse but - you could do without it really couldn't you? Is anyone plain sailing into Christmas or .....................has the shite weather disrupted your plans?

 As long as my son makes it home from Manchester on Thursday I'll be happy but's not been a good run up TBH!

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 for your mum's troubles, and yours!

Mine will al be quite normal, as long as we can get to Suffolk, to the Outlaws. Daughter made it home from Hull. Son is staying at his girlfriend's family's house, as he is on call for work and can't drink   . Mr Blizz has done all the present shopping and I will wrap it. MIL has banned us from bringing anything, so I may just prepare some sprouts on Christmas Eve and then get plied with drink.
so I may just prepare some sprouts on Christmas Eve and then get plied with drink.
Sounds fab! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

I just hope the weather doesn't get any worse - if my son doesn;t make it home I'll be well and truly gutted - if my SIL isn't able to leave here on Thursday morning to get to her Christmas destination I'll be positively suicidal. I kid you not 
Soozy Woo
I'm lucky that my family live round the corner so thus far everything's looking ok. All presents are bought, wrapped and under the tree, the food is in the freezer. Me and my mum were talking about Christmas earlier and for many reasons we are really looking forward to it this year (last year wasn't a good one). Only setback for me is I've come down with the flu but I hope it goes before Friday.

Hope everyone who has to travel manages to get there x
I've had to do Christmas on a very tight budget this year, so it's been difficult. It's been a tough year this year for me in one way and another. We have some horrible, distressing stuff going on at the minute and I just really wish I could cancel Christmas. I've gone through the motions and am trying to put a "Christmas" face on for the sake of my son. His girlfriend is travelling up from London on Christmas Eve to spend Christmas with us, so we are keeping out fingers crossed she gets here now .. watching the train cancellations like a hawk atm! Hers is the last train up here, all the rest after hers have been cancelled, but yesterday NO trains were running up here.  We'll have one grumpy young man on Christmas day if she doesn't manage to get here!
loads of people seem to be having horrible christmas's this year...   bereavements, illness, snow issues...  am gutted for all of you.

   Its been tight financially again for us.. but I am getting used to it.   The boy is poorly with a flu like illness...  but that seems to be par for the course for us too (I blame my ex for parading him round town in minus whatever degrees last weekend )...    But actually I am looking forward to this christmas, whereas usually I am filled with dread!    Its all cos we are having it here at home, just me hubby, the dog & the kids, this year.....      So for once my christmas will be "normal"...  in as far as it won't be something I dread and that depresses me for weeks afterwards!  

mind you.. there has been talk of us "just popping in" to my parents for an hour on christmas morning...   I need to work on that and get it put off til Boxing Day!
I know things could be worse but - you could do without it really couldn't you? Is anyone plain sailing into Christmas or .....................has the shite weather disrupted your plans?

well, i dunno if it was the weather that brought the overhead cables down yesterday, but I couldn't get my train home... trying again today!
The snow hasn't affected far. I did all my shopping months ago and it's wrapped and ready to be ripped open on Friday. Food was also bought last week along with booze and everything we'll need to last till New Year. My mum arrives later today. Her flight hasn't been cancelled so fingers crossed. 

This will be the 1st Xmas without my dad but it's also my son's 1st Xmas so good and bad.

Hope everyone's plans work out and big hugs to all those with an empty chair round their table this Xmas
well, i dunno if it was the weather that brought the overhead cables down yesterday, but I couldn't get my train home... trying again today!

I only took the East Coast line a couple of times, it was a nightmare even when things were running smoothly. I was just about to suggest a flight from London City but then again maybe not

Hope you manage to get back Saz x

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