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the songs I would download WOULD be pre-recorded so you fail. Again.

Ready-made albums. You buy them in the shops. You get them off the internet. They have covers that list all the songs and a stupid picture of the people who made them.

I know you know what I mean. You are just being that annoying 13 year old who drove that poor teacher up the wall. You won't terrorise me as you terrorised her, oh no, ain't gonna happen. I'm not scared of you.

Well. Okay. I am a bit
I'm on Karma's side. I NEVER listen to an "album"

I'm pretty much the same. I like individual songs as opposed to bands or artists as a whole. Although there are quite a few I rate very highly - it would be rare for me to like every piece of work a band or artist has released, there's nearly always one or two tracks I don't like and on the flip side, there are artists I would never buy albums of, but one or two tracks they release that I absolutely love.
My answer partly depends on how you define "album".
I would take 5 compilation discs which I would make myself.
I then would not be limited to having many tracks by the same artist.
My 5 discs would contain all sorts - Pavarotti, George Jones, the spoken word, opera by Bellini or Donizetti, ballet music, light music, older pop music, Tammy Wynette, Willie Nelson......
If you mean an "album" I could by in a shop, I'd be hard pressed to select, knowing that whatever I selected my change if I was again tomorrow. 
Is that the one with Liz Fraser on it? I bought one of their albums and it was excellent but I can't remember what it was called

Nah, that's Mezzanine (also amazing). Heligoland is their latest and it's bloody brilliant.

Having thought more, I'd have to have at least one Underworld album - either Barking or Second Toughest In The Infants.Also Throwing Muses' The Real Ramona and something by Bowie (can't decide which) and something by Eno (also can't decide).
So going on this moment in time ( bearing in mind this could change in a week), these are the 5 albums I would take in with me...

Beatles - Help
Carpenters - Gold
Abba - Greatest Hits
Ministry of Sound - the 80s compilation ( haha that's a double album!. 
"songs for my car No 4. That's a CD that I made for driving and I can download it anytime from I Tunes cos it is a compilation already so,,

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