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I`d be very upset if I were him.
 Scottie, from what I know of Poolie, I suspect, (hope,) that he'd just shrug it off ....this has got waaaaay out of hand imo.... God help any one of us on here if we felt that we couldn't post what some other folk may consider boring.... Is there a new rule on here that we all have to be 'cutting edge' and spectacularly interesting at all times.....if so then i can't think of one single person who would pass that 'membership criteria'
He'll never see your replies, any of them. Who's the mug? He'll start another one tomorrow and you'll mean less to him than whatever he has for breakfast and then he'll start another one.

I'm guessing at this point that 'Poolie' fills some desperate need for would-be internet surrogate mothers he doesn't give a flying f*ck about (he NEVER reads your replies).

I'm done educating people on this. Have fun.
it's a boring forum with some boring people who are mostly........bored
Or alternatively, a group of chatterboxes, who, for whatever reason, (including disability etc.) chat to people online.....This place has become v v small now, can't see it expanding and can't personally imagine any newbies  on here that aren't 'oldies' in disguise. However else would they come across the place/ bother to get involved? Oh yeah, 'cos their cousin told them about it, or some other nonsense like that
Issy, you rolled your eyes....that's different to disagreeing imho.....I like you and i agree with much of what you say, (apart from our v v different tastes in music!).... but I'm not sure why you have to put others down?
Hi Cali - I was not trying to put Poolshark down, I really should not have used the rolling eyes smiley - I agree that was a little juvenile.

I was expressing my exasperation at his being bored comment - and I have stated the reasons why further up the thread.
Perhaps I should have been more succinct for which I do apologise.
BUT I do think that I and others are entitled to comment where and what we like ( to a degree). I think that is why I perhaps have been more verbose than normal.
BUT I love this place and do not want to fall out with anyone so Poolie when and if you read this I apologise for my expression and again can assure you that I will not contribute to your threads if I do not feel I have anything to contribute.

Life is too flipping short to fall out over something as daft as this.
Shilpa  > a lady with breeding and morals.
Jade  > an ignorant chav who tried to show off and be the biggest mouth in front of her ignorant chavvy comrades. Bit like the folks in this thread who tried to belittle someone who didn't deserve it but tried to flex their musclesand got support f rom some who should know better anyway > think the term is a massive !! FAIL!!   >goes off to have a snowball fight and another good laugh with people who will now be getting a Xmas card (and maybe a snowball but I'm sure they won't take it the wrong way)   through their door very  soon>    

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