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I also think it is not helped by the fact that generally people seem to have forgotten how to cook ( or have never been taught) so a lot of the cheaper cuts of meat that can be used to make stews etc are not so popular and also so called fast food is cheaper than it ever has been.

It seems to me  that you are are one of the folk who don,t understand just how much money and how much knowledge of how to spend their spare cash at Xmas. You sugest Fast food or stews????
Crispy Christmas
Cooking wise, Jamie Oliver, cos he looks after wor kids, and steers 'em awayah frem ket, and theyah or wor fyootshah.
Yeah and see what his last programe in the UK did for his lettuce and tomato diet  did.  Most of the folk he recruited did  a bunk and reveverted back to normal meals. He is a looser on this one, and should stick to what he knows best--- making shit loads of money from stupid programes here and abroad. Tosser. and overweight at that. Fat Bastard.
Crispy Christmas
It seems to me that you are are one of the folk who don,t understand just how much money and how much knowledge of how to spend their spare cash at Xmas. You sugest Fast food or stews????

OK, for one, fast foods ARE cheaper than they've ever been - it seems to me that most mass produced, high street chains are practically giving the stuff away....that's if you can bear to eat it.

Go and compare the cost between a supermarket and a butchers.
It will be the butcher that is better value, I bet ya.
Also, you will find the meat much more flavourful and therefore you will need less on the plate.  Cheaper cuts are GOOD cuts - it's just that no one can be bothered to prepare and cook it.
The choice between a supermarket 'bird' (which may I add, has a thin transparent skin and no fat) to that of a bird from the butcher (thicker natural skin, decent layer of fat which will render down during cooking)....just doesn't compare.
Issy will get more out of her christmas turkey than anything she could possibly buy in that hell-hole known as Tesco.
OK, for one, fast foods ARE cheaper than they've ever been - it seems to me that most mass produced, high street chains are practically giving the stuff away....that's if you can bear to eat it.

It's true. In the 1970s, chicken was a luxury thing that you could afford to eat once a week, at most. Now everyone can afford to eat chicken most nights of the the week and because? Because factory farming has made the broiler chicken (the type everyone buys)  the fastest growing animal known to man, all done by genetic engineering. A factory chicken for eating goes from egg to slaughter in five weeks. Horrifying..
It's true. In the 1970s, chicken was a luxury thing that you could afford to eat once a week, at most. Now everyone can afford to eat chicken most nights of the the week and because? Because factory farming has made the broiler chicken (the type everyone buys) the fastest growing animal known to man, all done by genetic engineering. A factory chicken for eating goes from egg to slaughter in five weeks. Horrifying..

Did anyone watch Hugh Fernley-Whittingstall's "Chicken Out" programme?
It completely changed the way I buy chicken and eggs.

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