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hi ive been reading this thread with interest!

I am 50 and i have had a few symptoms, ie periods going all weird, hair on chin, mood swings etc but i haven't had any hot flushes.  i work in a kitchen so get hot but i dont think they are hot flushes.

one thing i wanted to ask was this, when i went to the doc and he sent me for a blood test (cos i had high blood pressure so he wanted to check menopause levels)  when i went for the results he said i had a few months left of periods??? does that mean i only have a couple of periods left? and then am i over my menopause?? i am confused... my doctor is male and not realy a chatty man
and then am i over my menopause??
I'm no expert but .............just because your periods stop it doesn't actuually mean that you're throgh the menoapause as far as I know. my monthlies stopped (on a regular basis) about two years ago ..........symptoms actually started about the same time and still ongoing ...................seemingly relentless so far.
Soozy Woo
Reference:  Duchess
when i went for the results he said i had a few months left of periods???

ello Duchess...   thats a really odd thing for him to say... I assume the blood tests he sent you for were for your LH/FSH levels ...   the results of these two tests will give a rough indication of of whether a woman is menopausal, but its a long way from able to pin down how long a woman has to go, or where abouts in the menopause she is!    (he makes it sound bloody impressive though)

I agree with Cosi.....  ring & talk to the GP or the Well Woman Clinic...  or a woman doctor at your surgery.
I took HRT for 6 years, well I didn't fancy having the symptoms in my forties,I weighed up the pro's and cons and decided to stick with it.I also take  a calcium/vit d tablet twice a day.That's because my vit D levels were a bit low in a blood test a couple of years ago.HRT protecets your bones etc.Your risk of heart/cancer probs is increased very slightly,not enough to put me off it.My doc was great she discussed all the stats with me but left it up to me to decide.I'm in Scotland we don't get enough sunshine up here to keep Vit D levels up.

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