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I cannot stand this little bitch. I usually take these reports with a pinch of salt, but I can completely believe this, her whole demeanour, attitude and general presence suggest this is true. There have been been reports from more than one source that people said Cher needs to stop throwing tantrums etc if she wants to succeed. A lot of people don't really like Louis, but he's far more successful in his field than Cher will ever be.

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Ah she is though Yogi! She's put herself on this ridiculously high pedestal. Someone has said 'you're quite good' (Cheryl Troll) and she's taken that and run with it and thinks she's the music bloody Messiah.

Pissing off people like Louis Walsh won't do her any favours, people may laugh at him but he's been around long enough and knows enough people to have words in ears.

I look forward to hearing of her fall from grace *rubs hands*
Like you brisket, I don't watch the X Factor except for the odd clips when I'm bored out of my skull. 

Watching her version of Shakespeare's Sister's "Stay" and it's a kind of typical Americanised R&B-ish interpretation that is the staple of the X Factor.  So, not really to my taste as I have a strong aversion to that style, especially when affected by Brits, but overall, not terrible if you like that sort of thing.  She seemed to hit the notes and had the range X Factor singers seem to think is the be all and end all pre-requisite - a talent of sorts but really as predictable as hell.
Telling Louise Walsh to flip off is funny.  Good for her! 

Let's face it, Louis Walsh is a jumped up money man who got lucky with a bunch of brain-dead pretty boys doing formulaic pap for those who consume their music in the same way others consume their literature - the musical equivalent of a Mills and Boon novel. 

For his contribution to the debasement of music, I'd like to do much the same - although for different reasons than Cher probably has.

Louis had already slagged off Cher on Sky News before the Sunday show so perhaps she heard about that and told him to do one?. I would have done the same thing too if I heard that he said that yet she hasn't slagged him off in public, maybe privately if she dislikes him but he hasn't worked much with her backstage..

If Louis disliked Cher then he would have saved Paije over her with him saying that he was a fan off his in the start, before some will say Simon told him to save her well in a way thats true in terms of who is more interesting for some to the show and more marketable in a business sense.

I believe what Matt said in his interviews because they clearly got on, although Mary has said some negative stuff but you can't get on with everyone.

darloboy (Play The Game!)
The thing is tho Darlo, i am sure they all want to say something, but as they are going on tour, they have been told to say nothing. Louis CAN. I watched Mary on This Morning and she was clearly fizzing but said nothing, as a lot of them did. The fact that Mary had to be taken to an hotel to get a bit peace, said enough. I havent watched it, but have seen the evictees and they have obviously been gagged

I like Louis but he's a hypocrite I remember him begging last year for people not to be nasty about Jedward and got really wound up a few times on Xtra Factor by the audience which I agreed with him then.

At least one positive is that he is positive about the acts he has like the year with JLS when he stood on top of a bus with a loudspeaker begging people to vote for them.

darloboy (Play The Game!)
Brian Friedman openly admitted one of Cher's tantrums (the most recent one where she stormed out of rehearsals) on the xtra factor, but played it down and blamed it on her age.

I think she's got a bit of growing up to do to handle the business and the kindest thing the judges could have done was not put her through in the first place (or let her go at bootcamp), told her to go away, give it a year or 2 and come back when she's grown up a bit.
I don't think Louis was being nasty .............he really does say it as it is. When he says 'you're one of the nicest people etc etc' I believe him. Alternatively when he says someone is a brat I believe that too ...............there is no smoke without fire IMO and her very cocky, sneering attitude said it all really.

Whether she can sing, rap, perform or whatever (personally I wasn't impressed) she doesn't come across as a very nice person. If one of my kids at seventeen had told an older person at work or in authority to eff off I'd have been mortified. I know they'd have had the sense and dignity to rise above it - mouthing off doesn't do anyone any favours.

The girl believes her own hype and I believe she'll slip into obscurity and this time next year we'll be saying 'Which one was Cher?'
Soozy Woo
She will milk the Press for all the money she can get coz lets face it she aint No1 Celeb singing material.   I feel sorry for all the students studying Music out there that need a break and CAN sing having to watch some of the shite that have made it through the show and will no doubt get record deals on the basis they were on XFactor.
Crispy Christmas

If Cher wants to become famous through being controversial, edgy, publicity worthy, she'll have to try a lot harder. In years and decades past there have been singers/ musician's/Bands, actors/actresses, models, sportsmen who really know how to behave, or not behave well, to get the publicity that keeps them in the public eye. If that's not her preferred route to fame maybe she just wants to be a singer and perform I don't know anything about her personally apart from her being on XF and will forget her in a few weeks as I forget almost everyone on reality shows eventually.

Yellow Rose

Champagne Joe
IMO Banality is in the eye of the beholder. It has everything, millions of viewers, faux controversy, and the movement of cash. One could prepare a degree course around any one of a number of functions.

LOL, I don't know if you're being serious or not!

If I had just passed my A' Levels and was thinking about uni, I don't think I'd see a degree course on the X Factor as a good return on my future ÂĢ40k + debt.

The standard tabloid hack can usually offer all the critique that's ever going to be required of the X Factor.
Unable to quote however I can now reveal that my second degree, which I took, just for a laugh (ha-ha-ha) had a certain amount of popular culture involved. Nowadays one would certainly use X Factor as a core subject to study and observe various mechanisms. I too love to read Grace Dent, but there is more to it than writing witty observation.

The bits that interest me include, whether or not we have progressed further from Saturday afternoon wrestling and all the fixing, iconicity, and faux emotions. Also one can study the mechanism of how money disappears from One's arse pocket and ends up in Cowell's arse pocket. That's it in a nutshell and as much as I want to type onthis phone!
Garage Joe

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