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Too true! I'm still waiting for a game that matches up to it, to be honest.

It's never going to happen. Games that play themselves while the kids fool themselves into thinking they're actually involved in some way is the new computer game black. Sad but true but hey, we still have the classics. Planescape Torment is old but still an absolute masterpiece if you haven't tried it.
We usually get woken about 5am by mr summer's lunatic friend, who rings us and shouts down the phone "has he been yet?!!! Check ya tree!" After a little merry Xmas chat we run down, load our gifts into the biggest laundry basket and bring them upstairs so we can open them while in bed. Then we play with said gifts/gadgets.. Probs spend some time on the i phone games.. Eat chocolate..Snooze.. Get up for breakfast & pink champagne.. Skype my mum before she goes out.. Mr summer cooks and I get evicted from the kitchen until he needs help serving up, meanwhile I watch tv/dvd's and nap.. Then we chill out, I'll wash up, mr summer might nap, then we get freshened up and head to his sisters for a m&s nibbles tea and evening of good banter and more gifts.. Ho ho ho I can't wait to finish work on Friday!
~Sparkling Summer~
For which platform Karms? If it's for PC I can help.

Only just seen this. It's X box. He doesn't want the PC version. Pedant!

There is another game he's mentioned, it's called Demon's Souls. Came out earlier this year, didn't get great reviews so he overlooked it, but his PS3 online mates have been raving about it and it's a co-op so looks like another trip to Gamestation
I get up and have beakfast give Hamish his Christmas prezzies......
Sounds a lovely day Marg, what's Hamish getting? My bf's dog who I used to look after a lot whilst she was away with work died last week,  she was only 7, think she was poisoned....But this week she has an absolutely gorgeous little border terrier puppy who I've been babysitting today whilst she did her Christmas shopping. I've got him some great puppy stuff for Christmas from this range, really wanted to give them him them today, but resisted !!!
Supes how sad about your friends dog  she must have been devastated and yourself  it is nice she has a puppy it will help her knowing she has this little puppy to look after he sounds so sweet,I clicked on your range everything looks lovely.. he is going to be a spoiled little puppy  I bought Hamish a luxury new bed as he loves his bed it looks so comfortable I know he will love it,also another tartan coat he has one in red tartan I bought a green tartan one this time toys and treats,my family also have bought prezzies for him he is going to love christmas day your friends puppy will love getting his prezzies from you 
aw soops!   gutted about the border that was poisoned!    

Yay for the new border pup (I like border terriers! )

Marge!   I LOVE getting AJ new beds for Christmas... I am not allowed to get him anymore at the moment!

Hamish will love it!   Does he open the pressies himself?    AJ is more into pressie opening than the kids (& thats saying something)...     we give him a pressie.... he takes it to a quiet bit of the room then opens it.   If he likes it he yapps round it... if not he is back for another one!

Here's a pic of him when he opened one of the many beds I bought him....    he didn't even bother to take the rest of the paper off...    just got into the bed...     (& yeah.. its bday paper... I'd run out of xmas paper!)

he just looks then looks at me as if to say please open it for me lol

hahahaha.... yeah.. I know that look!    I get that look when there is a cushion on a part of the sofa he is wanting to sit on!  If I wasn't about he would just jump up and move it himself... but when I am here he just sits & looks at the cushion... then at me... then at the cushion.   Sometimes I try not to meet his eye..... no eye contact....  so he just stares at me til I give in! 

& Yes Sooops...   we want Border puppy pics!!!

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