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Prom, can you please try and explain chrome to me. All I get when I install it is one silly box with a search facility and nothing else. No toolbar, no favourites, bookmarks, tools or whatever else. It's driving me to destruction. Apart from anything else, if I want to download anything, it tells me I need Firefox, I HAVE FIREFOX. Grrrrrrrrrrr.
cologne 1
Prom, can you please try and explain chrome to me.

I only use it for this place but here goes... install it. Open it and you'll get a default homepage. Use the search function to find GaGa. Bookmark it (top right of the screen you'll see a star, click that to bookmark it). To the right of the star is a spanner with which you can set preferences etc. Sometimes when you come back to it you'll only see the homepage and nothing else you bookmarked. To the right of that tab at the top is a plus sign. Click it. You will see everywhere you've been before.

I hate it tbh but it works for here. Have another shot at it I'll be here and will help if I can if you get problems
 I'm on IE Prom.I was on here a few weeks  ago and it was fairly simple to quote.Now i've installed Chrome and i still can't quote no matter what people have suggested i try.
I've had a few pints of the piss water tonight.So maybe it'd be better if i dispensed with the quoting until tomorrow when my head is clearer.
Maybe like Cologne has suggested i'll install Firefox.Is it a USA incompatiblity thing or maybe i'm just thick?.I'm used to DS so you'll understand my confused state.....
Maybe like Cologne has suggested i'll install Firefox.Is it a USA incompatiblity thing or maybe i'm just thick?.I'm used to DS so you'll understand my confused state.....
It's nothing to do with the US. Chrome definitely works try doing what I suggested when you're feeling a little less frustrated and read my post to cologne too about chrome (it's the least intuitive browser I've ever used). 

I use IE for everything except this place too maybe they'll get it sorted for IE one day but don't hold your breath . We'll get you sorted don't give up just yet mate 
 Getting back to Colognes original post.
I have to say in all of my 40 something years.These last 2 weeks are the most extreme weather conditions i've ever encountered.Never seen so much snow dumped in so few days.The Minister For Transport was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.I feel kind of sorry for him really.
We aren't used to such Siberian conditions in Scotland.Usually it snows a bit and it's gone within a day or two.
I only managed 2 days out of 5 a fortnight ago.Couldn't even get my car off the drive it was so high.
Then when i got it moving i got stuck!.
i.e. I have not seen a gritter at all. Isn't it all getting a bit silly?
Nor me. I have lived here for 23 years and most cold winters the gritters are out doing their bit. This year however ................the worst winter I've ever seen here (and well forecasted) NOT ONE GRITTER IN SIGHT!!! I blame Cameron and Clegg the b****stards!
Soozy Woo
 Yeah Cologne.No one really paid much attention to the BBC forecast of much worse conditions forecast on the Sunday night.I know i didn't.We'd already had so much snow the previous week i reckon most people(including the Minister) took the forecast with a pinch of salt.A kind of 'no,we've already had the worst of the weather' mentality.
I was clearing my car of ice about 7.30am when the first flakes came down.I remember saying 'i don't need this'.It came down so fast i barely made it out onto the main road.
I'm in Glasgow..the fact he stated the response was first class etc...when it clearly wasn't is the root of it.Yes the weather was extreme,on Monday of this week we had a solid six hour snowfall..adding at least another four inches on top of a heavy crust of six inches...sub zero temps etc..that led to  the terrible conditions where folk were stuck on the motorway for 24 hours plus.
Cologne, I have always found you to be quite a fair poster but in this circumstance I can honestly say you do NOT know what you are talking about, on Monday 29th November it was like we were in another world and praying to survive. I pay taxes and council tax, why should this incompetent buffoon who posted on twitter that he had loaded up on groceries for the "bad weather"  and yet failed to get gritters etc for us ordinaries be allowed to keep his VERY good job ?
failed to get gritters etc for us ordinaries
 gritters etc couldn't get through because of the gridlock situation as everyone took to the road at the same time.. what did happen though ( and I've never seen this before ) was that main roads had flocks of high-vis jacketed folks with grit and shovels trying to dig folk out and keep traffic moving ( snails pace because of the volume of traffic,but some kind of response from the councils)
Yes he shouldve resigned, it has been an absolute nightmare up here. Yes the snow was worse than anticipated but there were clearly no plans in place. No gritters out, people stuck on motorways for hours , he shouldve asked the WRVS out earlier to help those stranded.He clearly didnt have a clue and in the end had to get the Army out ! With all due respect Cologne, unless you have lived thru what we had too  the last  fortnight ,you really arent qualified to say things you have said.
I wouldn't place all the blame on this mans head or expect him to lose his job over it.

I think what really sealed his fate and had people baying for his blood  was him initially saying what a wonderful job was being done and how well the authorities were coping, while hundreds of people were stranded all over the place and spending the night in their cars.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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