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In his defence he has the intelligence of an intellectually challenged field worm. I've never seen an interview from him in the last decade where he hasn't been blind drunk and slurring his words. Sod sectioning him to save him from himself, we're the ones who need to be protected from that complete numpty warbling nonsensically into a microphone on TV and of coursed driving around drunk without a worry in the world till he does eventually kill someone.

He's a disgrace to humankind.
What is his illness exactly? I hate that this latest colour scheme doesn't highlight quotes
He's an alcoholic but doesn't seem to know it. Fame Money and Fortune does this to them. Some can cope with it but he seems to be on the road to nowhere. He has had many chances to get his head right but seems to be incapable of doing it. A stint in the protection of HMS would maybe bring home the fact he is a danger to folk when drink/driving.
Crispy Christmas
Alcholism is an illness whether the person admits it or not. Gazza has sought help

I don't know where he's seeking help from but I never ever hear him doing any interview where he's not blind drunk. If it's an illness and he wants to drink himself to death I'm fine with that but if he's drink driving it needs to be taken out of his hands no matter who he is and locked up for the sake of other people's safety.

I have no time for him at all. He thinks he's some kind of hugely important football personality and waffles on endlessly about how much money he's got. He's seriously deluded. Drunk people with a tiny amount of braincells are extremely dangerous. This whole saga will end with him seriously injuring or killing someone.
He seeks help, stays sober for a while ( couldn`t tell you how long) then goes back on it.
He`s got a chronic alchohol problem. I think drugs were involved at some point too. He also has mental health issues. I totally agree that he should be taken off the road before he injures or kills someone - just like anyone else who drinks and drives.

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