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  Hi Karma

It all gets a bit easier when you've been doing it for years, doesn't it..?
I don't mind doing the cooking either.  Both our mums aren't really up for catering for large numbers, and the only other person who is - my sis in law, is a bit of a disasterous cook, bless her.  So it's down to me, which is fine.  At least I know it'll be good grub, plenty of drink and not too far to go when I want to hit my pit.

Most of the time I don't really get into it until 2 weeks before, so this year's really no different than any other year.
Our tree arrived today and so is up...we're not sure whether we'regoing to bother with any more decs or just have that.  Cards were written out by husband at the weekend and posted yesterday (cos thats all he does).  I've bought a few presents but the bulk of shopping still to do...noy got a turkey cos we're not here for christmas so I don't need to bother.
Trees and decs up ages ago!!!
Cards being written in stages...pressies made ages ago/all bought except one...grrrrrrrrrr....turkey lists written.....mince pies ordered (my 83yr old Grandad makes dozens on Xmas Eve).....table linen all laundered....freezer sorted so room for new stuff....crimbo movies/songs on every day.....speshul new outfit ready....not much alcohol needed cos no-one really drinks anymore due to various health reasons....just waiting for the crimbo telly guide so I can plan the viewing!!!!!!

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