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Why a third of men won't lend a hand in the kitchen this Christmas...

While Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay will most likely be preparing their families' festive feasts this year, it seems not many men will be following their lead.

More than a third of men won't lift a finger in the kitchen this Christmas, a study revealed today.

A lack of confidence, previous failures and complicated recipes are the main reasons men choose to steer clear of the kitchen on December 25.

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Does your husband/partner/sons help out with the festive food in your house ?

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normally I'd say thats about right in our house too..   I cook Christmas dinner (alone.... the last thing I need is him getting under my feet in the kitchen)..   but this year we aren't having a roast... we're having dim sum & other chinese goodies...  so he will be doing ALL the cooking! 

Leaving me free to play on the PS3 with the kids!   wooohooo!
Mr Blizz does most of the cooking, all year round.
But we're going to his parents for Christmas, so his mum will be rushing about and panicking, and bringing out two hundred sausage rolls in case we starve to death waiting, he will be 'helping' her, and his dad will be pottering around tidying up after them.

I will be made to sit down and plied with drink.
Reference: Saz
oh you decided in favour of it!
Yeah, the idea has grown & grown on me.     when I put it to daughter at the weekend her initial reaction was the same as mine had been..   a bit of a bottom lip wobble...  and "it won't be the same"...  

I told her to think about it for a while...    within a couple of hours she was all up for it! 

I have also put my foot down on the double gift fest that going through the full santa routine results in (I always resented having to pay for Santa's pressies as well as the ones I got the kids)...    Santa will come...  but only to fill their stockings.. with small stocking filler stuff.   All main pressies, all pressies costing over a fiver, will go under the tree.   It has to be this way...  cos the stuff the kids want all costs more now they are older... so there are less pressies (but of higher value).

I am liking this christmas more & more...
Does your husband/partner/sons help out with the festive food in your house ?

Mine has done the whole lot for him, me, the kids, my mom, dad and brother (the last christmas my mom was alive which i really cherish memories of) LAst year i helped him and this year its a his moms

While i appreciate him doing the big christmas dinner, i do have one moan... he is the messiest cook i've ever known! he manages to splatter every tile, door and suface and tidies nothing away as he goes along.
Ohh I don't know... its our first proper Xmas together.  I am a little bit excited....well a lot.

During my marriage I cooked xmas dinner every year.Then when the girls were old enough I had to work early shift Xmas day.,
So we would prep the veg together the night before, I would then make the stuffing, get the turkey ready and pop it in the oven before leaving for work the next day. I also made the trifle and got stuff ready for lunch (dinner was in the later pm and he and his large mother could not wait that long without eating) ,One daughter would make the starter, the other the bacon rolls.
I would then write simple instructions for xmas dinner so he could start it .
When I got home ,the house would be in disarray, the mother in law in one room, the girls in another and he would be faffing in the kitchen,
I would then take over.
He would however load the dishwasher after lunch.

He would tell all our friends how he ALWAYS cooked Xmas lunch and they would say how lucky I was..

MrB is the chef of the house...he cooks all year..unless I am feeling creative!! He says it helps him unwind after work...I ain't going to argue!! So he does the Xmas dinner and I do the evening 'buffet' while he has a doze!! His Crimbo dinner is superb....the pudding he makes is soooo is his homemade I want my dinner!!!
I have the whole family, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day - New Years Eve and New Years Day. (maybe not the New Year part this year).

I buy all the pressies, do all the warapping, buy and cook all the food! As the kids have got older they do help and it's much appreciated.

I get stressed, I moan (a bit) but .................................I LOVE IT REALLY - it's as it is and I'm very thankful that I have a lovely family to share Christmas with TBH.

(God I'm getting all philosophical). There are many who have crap Christmases - mine are hard work but simply wonderful.

In a few years (when I'm aged) maybe someone will take over the helm (if I let them).
Soozy Woo

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