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We put out birdseed on the bird table but the bigger birds like something more substantial. I've been putting out batter scraps from the chippie and even the left over chips .............very popular with the greedy starlings. We've actually run out  of the bird seed so put out some rice crispies earlier remains to bee seen how well that goes down 

I must be getting very old ..............can never imagine getting so much enjoyment out of watching the birds in the garden when I was younger
Soozy Woo
Ive got bird feeders out all year round.A peanut feeder and a seed feeder,I also hang out suet balls for them.Poor things must be really suffering,especially here in Glasgow we still have bloody 9 day old snow lying frozen solid,then another 4 inches fell yesterday.It's not to rise above freezing today.All sorts of birds Sparrows,Starlings,chaffinches,robins,coal tits,blue tits,great tits,long tailed tits,blackbirds,dunnocks,green finches,wood pigeons,feral pigeons,collared doves.Magpies,carrion crows,black headed gulls,herring gulls,lesser black backed gulls.seen  few wrens skulking about too.

Save your old fat etc from the grill put into a plate and put out for them once solid.I also buy a block of lard ,it's dead cheap,melt it into a bowl,let it harden again  and put that out.

I was a bit of a bird nut when younger,I  used to buy bird magazines,so still have an interest in them evn now.
Wow ...........I've never heard about it.What's all that about? Did some pet birds escape or something?

They're really well known in south London.  I've heard that they are descended from some pet birds which escaped many years ago.  They often sit in the trees in my Mum's garden, but I've been waiting years to see them 
I feed the birds all year round - all sorts of birds.
I have bird feeders - peanuts, seed, and suet balls.
I put some broken up brown bread rolls out for them yesterday but they were covered in snow before they got to it.
It`s melting now - the robins are picking away at it. It`s lovely to watch.
Thanks for the tip about the fat/lard Katty - I`ll do that
Last edited by Scotty
I feed the birds all year round - all sorts of birds. I have bird feeders - peanuts, seed, and suet balls.

Like Scotty we feed the birds all year round and our garden always has lots of different birds hanging around ...... gives us great pleasure watching them ..... particularly the cheeky little bluetits .....they're so cocky and fearless
Starfleet Admiral hoochie

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