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So moaning about a colour scheme is equated with an elderly frail person who sadly is not able to care for their own needs anymore. Sorry - am not getting the connection here.

Nope, more to do with people being miserable..

Sorry but we were asked an opinion and we gave it., Just because we don't like a colour, does not make us miserable.
I like bright colours - dark grey IS gloomy IMO.
This does not make me a misery.

No ulterior motive - it does strain my eyes.
Following operations for cataracts (lens implants), and for dettached retina, I now have to wear a contact lens in one eye.
Reading is not always a relaxing and comfortable thing, so the easier it is to read the less strain I get.
Not self-pity; just a fact. One explanation of why some people get eye strain. 

Whichever colour scheme is decided upon, I would not make a fuss about it; I'd get on with it.

Reference: Mr Pie
I still think people are being over dramatic about it affecting their eyes

Dramatic? Nope. Those who it affects mean it I am sure, I am one.

Think of it this way, where I work, they have put disabled access ramps in to comply with the law and quite right too , however, this also helps people with dodgy knees who find stairs difficult.

Would you say "Nah, don't bother, I don't need a ramp cos I am able-bodied. Stuff the rest."?

I once had 20-20 vision, Now I do not, I find the contrast too much.

So, would you rather those of us that find it painful leave the forum?

I am not trying to be contentious here, just hoping you understand the not-perfect sighted person's point-of-view.
Baby Bunny
Dramatic? Nope. Those who it affects mean it I am sure, I am one. Think of it this way, where I work, they have put disabled access ramps in to comply with the law and quite right too , however, this also helps people with dodgy knees who find stairs difficult. Would you say "Nah, don't bother, I don't need a ramp cos I am able-bodied. Stuff the rest."? I once had 20-20 vision, Now I do not, I find the contrast too much. So, would you rather those of us that find it painful leave the forum? I am not trying to be contentious here, just hoping you understand the not-perfect sighted person's point-of-view.

"Nah, don't bother, I don't need a ramp cos I am able-bodied. Stuff the rest?"

Not quite

"So, would you rather those of us that find it painful leave the forum?"

Depends which FM it is

But I don't have a problem with you so no
Reference: MAPP
Very well... we will have to do the old "Agree to disagree". I like the dark colour scheme and you don't. I still think people are being over dramatic about it affecting their eyes

I wasn't going to bother saying anything about my eyesight, other than that it is not good, but being accused of being over-dramatic by someone who apparently is lucky enough to have 20/20 vision really pees me off.
I am unlucky enough to have a degenerative eye disease and this black/grey, grey/black combo is a real pain(literally), so naturally I'm not going to like it

I think it's more to do with people expressing an opinion which we will all be asked to do at the end of the trial. If some (me included) don't like it - we don't like it. Nothing to do with being miserable.

I agree presumably we will all have a vote, some like one thing some another, don't see the need for personal attacks.
I wasn't going to bother saying anything about my eyesight, other than that it is not good, but being accused of being over-dramatic by someone who apparently is lucky enough to have 20/20 vision really pees me off. I am unlucky enough to have a degenerative eye disease and this black/grey, grey/black combo is a real pain(literally), so naturally I'm not going to like it


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