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I still can't quote.  
However I have no idea what you are on about Spidermonkey. The two posts are full of non-sequiturs and non-logic.
We voted him because he was the best candidate.
The manifesto what he wrote is marginally better and probably more truthful than the one the opposition came up with.
Cameron and  Osbourne have little more idea about economics than I have and certainly not as much as Darling and the Great Helmsman.
Unless you are a millionaire interested in tax avoidance and taking more money from the welfare budget then by definition the Tory government is not for you.
Garage Joe
Labour put us into recession (worst debt in living history), Tories brought us back out of recession.  Same old story of Labour spending beyond their means and leaving it to the Tories to sort out their mess.  Bottom line.  I know who I'd entrust my Country's finances to.  When benefit claimers moan about their hand-outs being reduced, let them remember why these decisions had to be made.  Let's not forget which Government has practically bankrupted the Country and left Tories with the almost impossible job of salvaging.

As for Ed Milliband being elected because he's the best candidate, doesn't say much for his competition really lol.  But it's fine by me because as I have said he doesn't stand a hope in hell of ever being elected by the British public into number 10.  He's too much like Brown, in terms of style and substance (or a lack there of).
Labour put us into recession (worst debt in living history), Tories brought us back out of recession. Same old story of Labour spending beyond their means and leaving it to the Tories to sort out their mess. Bottom line. I know who I'd entrust my Country's finances to. When benefit claimers moan about their hand-outs being reduced, let them remember why these decisions had to be made. Let's not forget which Government has practically bankrupted the Country and left Tories with the almost impossible job of salvaging. As for Ed Milliband being elected because he's the best candidate, doesn't say much for his competition really lol. But it's fine by me because as I have said he doesn't stand a hope in hell of ever being elected by the British public into number 10. He's too much like Brown, in terms of style and substance (or a lack there of).

Hello David

Or should I just "call you Dave?"
A son (of) can be any age.  A child (of) can't be anything other than a child.  Ha ha, even Cameron's retorts are second rate.

Thatcherism and Thatcher exemplify all that is wrong with this country and a sizeable portion of what was wrong with New Labour. 


As for the Tories cleaning up Labour's so-called mess, don't make me laugh!  This statement sums up why Osborne is totally out of his depth and goes a long way to explaining why he called every decision wrong on the economy.

George Osborne 2006: Ireland stands as a shining example of the art of the possible in long-term economic policy-making.

Labour put us into recession (worst debt in living history), Tories brought us back out of recession.  Same old story of Labour spending beyond their means and leaving it to the Tories to sort out their mess.  Bottom line.  I know who I'd entrust my Country's finances to.  When benefit claimers moan about their hand-outs being reduced, let them remember why these decisions had to be made.  Let's not forget which Government has practically bankrupted the Country and left Tories with the almost impossible job of salvaging.

As for Ed Milliband being elected because he's the best candidate, doesn't say much for his competition really lol.  But it's fine by me because as I have said he doesn't stand a hope in hell of ever being elected by the British public into number 10.  He's too much like Brown, in terms of style and substance (or a lack there of).

Labour put us into recession (worst debt in living history), Tories brought us back out of recession.

wrong, the banks put us into the position we are in and it doesn't matter which government had been in power, it would have happened. The country was coming out of recession while Labour still held power, and as for singing the condems praises, I'd be holding off for a while, Cameron;s seems to be backtracking again today, the guy doesn't know if he's coming or going. 
From a relatively poor person's point of view, I benefited by Labour being in Government, from a relatively ill person's point of view, I benefited by Labour being in Government. What spoilt it for me was a banking system which had been deregulated by the nastiest Prime Minister in living memory, Thatcher. They reap what they sowed, but are cowardly blaming Labour. And don't get me started on Vince Cable, Danny Alexader and many of the other power hungry LibDems. Abstaining yeah right. My daughter voted LibDems this year. She's very angry.
cologne 1
Well we budgeted for a Thatcherite Victory, been there before, won't effect us, but don't forget that a lot of people believe in this carp and they will be  the casualties.
 I think perhaps that you may mean that the Tories have brought the fat cats, banks, and marketeers out of recession not only by leaving them be, but also by the trickle up of our cash.
Garage Joe
I know Joe, unfortunately this country, although I believe intrinsically working man, does have a leaning to push the self destruct button and vote Tory (although it didn't really happen this time) when Labour doesn't quite do it's bidding. Pity really and very bad luck that the banking crisis corresponded with our Elections.
cologne 1
Well that's the Lib Dems toast,they will get slaughtered up here in next years Scottish parliament elections

I do wonder what the long term outcome will be for the Lib Dems ...............they were so desperate to be in there ........................I think it will do them long term damage in the future - I know an awful lot of disillusioned Lib Dem supporters!
Soozy Woo

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