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My kids school was closed yesterday due to the snow, today we have more snow than yesterday (Nottingham) and its now icy to boot yet she has opened the school?!?

I learnt my lesson last year (feb i think) when pregnant struggling to stay upright and keep two kids the same on an ice rink (i swear all the paths were a thick layer of ice) they both fell over many times and my son even whacked his head on the frozen ground at one point. This year i have the pushchair too so i've not taken them today stuff the attendance figures!

Honestly i rekon she only does it for notoriety!!

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Today is the first day my sons school has closed but they hope to be open tomorrow, it's usually dependant on whether enough staff can make it in. They get penalised for closing I think.

Mind you when I was at school all them years ago schools never closed due to snow. I can remember loads of us pushing a massive snowball so big it took about 10 kids to move it round the school field!
Yeah i think thats how they decide croc, it just annoys me. It's worse today than yesterday and no doubt i'll get a call around 10:30 asking where the kids are. I feel bad for them as they were on 100% attendance which they were both really proud of but im not risking losing the pushchair into the road or something.
Bviously it is very difficult for you because of the baby and I'm sure the school will understand that but it's not like that for others so the school is doing the right thing and opening if they can. When they shut it's a nightmare for working parents who have to take time off at short notice unless they can get someone else to have the kids.
Last year there was a blizzard near me and the college I went to was open every day... kids are too soft and spoilt these days. Even when they do take time off they go outside and play on the ice and in the snow.

It could be like the film "The Day After Tomorrow" and I would still attend college. I suppose if you got a pushchair then I wouldnt bother.
the school i work in has closed.........first time the headmaster has ever shut the school due to weather in 30 all the way there which was hard enough as i have no option other than to drive down a big hill which is never gritted....and skidded all over the place.then i have to go up a hill..also never gritted and i got stuck but some blokes helped reach the main road.....

got to work to be told it's shut........all the teachers received a text telling one bothers telling the catering staff though!!
Mind you when I was at school all them years ago schools never closed due to snow. I can remember loads of us pushing a massive snowball so big it took about 10 kids to move it round the school field!

same here, we used to go in in our wellies, and change into school shoes when we got there... Then wellies back on at break time for playing outside
Glad i kept them off they closed the school in the afternoon!

I would have been very mad if id managed to get them there only to have to pick them up again lol

I do understand the diffculty for working parents but surely knowing first thing whats needed is much easier to arrange around than getting a txt from the school saying they are closing in the afternoon, like i said irresponsible head, every other school in the area was closed what made her think theirs was any different?.

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