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I'm unpredictable ........................I read the first page ........if I get engaged probably stay there. Sometimes the following morning I have a vague recollection of what went on the night before and I may (or may not) venture to page 2. IMO the front page should be at least doubled - when it's busy in here () it moves too fast IMO and good threads slip away.
Soozy Woo
I rarely read past the first page, unless im looking for something in particular. I posts threads, then forget about them quite often. My lap top is on and so im often logged in but only refresh it when i sit down for a cup of tea or something.

I skim it and prefer the light-hearted funny, quick to read threads, i rarely follow a long thread and i don't read posts that are more than a couple of paragraphs at most.

im usually here for a short sharp fix of fun 
I think I know what Karma means ... Brisket is a great FM but the questions are a little random at times!
Nothing wrong with being random, but being interested in the workings of the human mind, I would love to know what goes on with people when they ask certain questions. I can't say much about random threads anyway - mine are all complete nonsense. 
Anyway in answer to your question.... I rarely read past the first page cos I am fickle like that.
I find some of his questions a bit odd
Why don't you just admit it Karma - You have a secret yen for me don't you?
I'm slightly bemused because of course what may be random to someone else may be of fascinating interest to me.
Likewise, there are some threads which I don't understand at all; they are like a foreign language to me.
You've caused me to reflect - I think the majority of my posts reflect the fact that I have an opinion on the subject. But there are times when something completely random pops into my head - unimportant, frivolous, - and I may post it.
Karma, I am flattered by your fascination with my posts.
I'm not fascinated! You just sometimes ask questions that a researcher who compiles demographics or a web traffic analyst would ask, and cos you said you were not into those lines of work I was a bit puzzled by the questions, couldn't understand why you'd want to know that info on such a small forum. So was intrigued, but not to the point of fascination

But look, if it floats your boat then don't mind me! Crack on

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