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(OK how do I quote then?)

Open a Post Reply Box first. Highlight the text you want to quote. You may need to move the Post Reply box with your pointer if it covers the text. Then click on the quote icon (2 from the end) (I think it's always been there, but we never used it) and the quote appears. Repeat this process for other quotes. As before you can drag the originator's avatar to the Reference line (I can in Firefox, but this may not be possible in other browsers).

Sorry Joe, I didn't notice your post earlier.
I have copied El Loro's helpful guide to quoting ^^^^^. (He explains it so much better than me.)
Thats ya West London for you...we've had porper South london big fluffy flakes most of the day and have about 3 inches
Big fluffy flakes in central all day too... not settling (gah, that still feels wrong! its lying dammit) though, cos the ground is too wet... will see what its like in the east when i get back home tonight. I chose today to go swimming after work

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