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Hi - sorry am going to start this thread then I have to go out for the day but I am hoping some of you lovely folk will be able to help me anyway
I have just downloaded I tunes on to my new laptop and enabled it so I can play my I tunes from my old lappy ( at least I think that is what it means).
The trouble is, although I can access my purchase history, I have no idea how to download it on to my new laptop if you see what I mean.
Is it possible? And if so, how do I do it?

Many thanks xx

Replies sorted oldest to newest

iTunes are a serious pain in the bum Issy!

They "protect" stuff you have purchased...   so you can only download your iTune purchases onto one laptop or onto one iPod.    You can play them from iTunes on your new lappy...  by enabling home sharing (which if you can access your purchase history... I assume you have done).

I have a similar problem .... cos I got a new lappy & a new iPod!    So I can't download my old purchases onto my new iPod!

Your best bet is to go into your account at the iTunes store....   and there is a contact facility...  (I think its under the heading "support")

I have had to use this a few times...   the only redeeming feature is that they are quite quick to come back to you.      If you explain its your new lappy & not you trying to share your music (bloody cheek of them!!) then they should sort it for you.

For what its worth.....   if its music you are buying....   Amazon now sell MP3 downloads... and all their stuff is not protected.   You buy it... and you can then transfer it to as many MP3 players and computers as you like and play it.  

The only thing they don't do is audiobooks (which if not covered by the iTunes Nazi's... then the Nazi's control)

This really bugs me.... as you can tell!
Issy, I think that you just plug your ipod into the new lappy and it will come up with an option to transfer the itunes from the ipod. However, it will only transfer stuff that you have purchased from itunes, not other stuff that you have uploaded from elsewhere e.g. CDs. If you are not able to do what El Loro suggests, then you would need to save the stuff that you haven't purchased from itunes onto e.g. an external hard-drive and then upload it onto the new lappy. (I think!!!)
This was the problem I had when my lappy crashed recently, and because the lappy was dead I lost everything from my itunes library other than the stuff i'd bought from them
Just a tad off topic.... but...  

Isssssey...... are you a nurse?

if so....   can I ask you a nursey question?

I have dissolvable stitches in my back.  They said to me on Monday...   change the dressing in 24 hours (we did)...   and the stitches will dissolve in 7 days.  

They gave us one dressing change.    

I have since been to the chemist & bought more dressings & hubby changed it a  couple of times more.   Its all looking good...   healing really really well.   it will be 7 days tomorrow.

Can I just do away with all dressings tomorrow then?

If you're not a nurse... then sorry if that grossed you out... just ignore
Hi everyone. Thanks for your replies. I am not at home atm and am using my daughter's little netbook thingy which is challenging to say the least

However I have not tried homeshare so will look at that first - thanks. Otherwise I will give it to Mr Issy to sort out with a beseeching look.

Ditty - leave the dressings off now -just keep the wound clean and dry and make an appointment to go and see your practice nurse this week to get her to check it and make sure sutures are all dissolved,
Bah iTunes!  99p for a song!

When I moved PCs I copied all files and sub folders from the file structure on the old PC to the slightly different iTunes file structure on the new PC and then put those files on an external drive which I regularly back up.  It all seems to work ok.  iTunes files don't have DRM on them any more as far as I know, although I've only ever downloaded one song from iTunes a few months ago, so can't say for definate.
hen I moved PCs I copied all files and sub folders from the file structure on the old PC to the slightly different iTunes file structure on the new PC and then put those files on an external drive which I regularly back up.  It all seems to work ok.  iTunes files don't have DRM on them any more as far as I know, although I've only ever downloaded one song from iTunes a few months ago, so can't say for definate.
The words are all in English and yet I cannot seem to understand what you are talking about.

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