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(Why) do you really want to hurt me?  Do you really want to make me cry?

Why does George Michael always fancy a drive when he's stoned?

Why when Barry Humpries was a drag queen playing a woman (Dame Edna) did people refer to the character as 'she', yet When Julie Goodyear played drag queen Bet Gilly in Coronation Street, no one refereed to that character as 'he'?

Why do we have lots of Grand Prixs, surely they're all lots of Petit Prixs?

If the drug LSD had been invented post decimalisation would it have just been called LD?

Why do people think they can read the stars when they can't even read Braille?
Last edited by Carnelian
What came first the chicken hold it right there "Mr/Mrs This is the only philosophical  question I can think of!"

...I can give you the answer.

The answer is the egg! For an animal to change, its genetics would have to change also and this is impossible. Therefore the change would have to take place as an embryo or egg. So the first chicken was most likely spawned in prehistoric times as an embryo/egg. Concluding that the first living organism had to come from the form of an egg or embryo.

*struts around room looking dead impressed with himself* 


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