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I can't remember getting anything really crap, maybe not to my taste, but nothing nearly as bad as some of the things mentioned here...BUT, my sister, for her 25th, (silver,) wedding anniversary, was given a silver tea-pot from my aunt....Nothing wrong with that you may think, except it was a tea-pot for one!!! ....4 years later, when I was helping her sort stuff out, due to her moving, (after he'd pd off with another woman,) we decided that the aunt, (now dead,) may have had a premonition!
Oooh, spooky, Supes!  

I am crap at giving presents and crap at giving people ideas of what I'd like.
My wish list, this year, is a new front door mat, a pyrex jug and a new bra.

The worst gift I ever bought was one of those Red Letter Day gift vouchers for Mr Blizz's 40th (8 years ago). It was bloody expensive and has never been used. Give me shivers, when I think about it!
My wish list, this year, is a new front door mat, a pyrex jug and a new bra

New Front Door Mat - NO!!!!   that is a gift to the house

Pyrex jug - NO!!!  that is a gift to the kitchen

New Bra - fair do's....   why don't you go all out & ask for matching knickers as well (best you pick them though...   something odd happens to men when they try to buy their wife knickers...  its either teeeny tiny (in style & size) slips of nothing...   or mega huge (in style & size) chin warming granny pants!)
Reference: Supes
LOL, you're definitely easily pleased Liking the 'Christmas' name btw, wonder where the idea for that came from?
Some clever clogs came up with it!  

The trouble is, I'm not easily pleased. My mum still tries to buy me 'feminine' clothes. My inlaws may buy me clothes, but always leave the receipt in there.  I usually tell everyone to buy me a bottle of red wine, as I know that'll get some use!
My mum still tries to buy me 'feminine' clothes.
My other aunt, (not the dead one!) often buys clothes as presents, but NEVER in the right size. She'll buy what she considers a 'bargain' in the sales, (usually something v nice tbf,) convinces herself that it's bigger or smaller than the size on the label it NEVER fits. I do keep telling her that it's not a bargain if it doesn't fit, it's a bloody waste of money, but she pays no heed
Reference: Ditty
Blizzie!! New Front Door Mat - NO!!!! that is a gift to the house Pyrex jug - NO!!! that is a gift to the kitchen New Bra - fair do's.... why don't you go all out & ask for matching knickers as well (best you pick them though... something odd happens to men when they try to buy their wife knickers... its either teeeny tiny (in style & size) slips of nothing... or mega huge (in style & size) chin warming granny pants!)
 I'd rather have stuff I need, than stuff I have to take back.

Mr Blizz's favourite job is buying 'ladies' underwear and he does quite a good job.
Sometimes, he lets me wear it.
Reference: Soops
Hope you're well soon
Thank you Soops...  

It went a lot better than I expected... (though I was completely shitting bricks as I was 'wheeled' down to the op theatre.)  But all done now!   stitches should have dissolved by Sunday!    Still feel a bit wiped out... but nothing major.   In fact worst bit at the moment is not having washed my hair for 5 days!!!   I feel manky!!   (am gonna be naughty later & have a bath & hairwash...   1 1/2 days earlier than I am supposed to )
got a car cleaning kit off the bloke 2 years ago.. was distinctly underwhelmed...
and when i was 6 there was this HUUUUGE box all wrapped up under the xmas tree , so i got all excited ,saying i was saving it till last.. it was an empty cardboard box.. a xmas box from my mum...
also from my mum.. an old leg plaster cast (mine from a couple of months earlier... she kept it) with a face drawn on it, a pomegranite all wrapped up posh and old man long johns.. is it any wonder i hate xmas
A  big fat nothing. That's what I got, nowt, zilch, nada. Gotta be the worst 'pressie'?

My birthday is in November and a couple of years ago I got a tooth abcess the week before my birthday. I didn't have a dentist and had to pay private fees for root canal treatment but didn't have the money so my then fella gave me ÂĢ200 and said call it a birthday and xmas present.

Anyway a month later with tooth sorted I bought my xmas pressies on a very tight budget and managed to get the fella 6 or 7 bits and pieces that I knew he would like and dutifully wrapped them all up and placed them under the tree. Xmas day came and he opened them all and enthused and all that and then came my turn and..........nothing. He had actually meant it, getting my tooth fixed was indeed my birthday and xmas present. I didn't even get a token gift just for the joy of unwrapping something.

Don't get me wrong I was very very thankful for the money for my tooth but I couldn't help but be a little bit upset on xmas day and had a little cry to myself in the toilet.

We are no longer together.
Guess he won't be making an appearance in 'the most romantic gesture' thread Skive?!?
Lol noooooooo! He was actually a lovely man just really really crap at the whole 'consideration' thing that women are so good at. Plus he was Jewish and had never really done the whole xmas thing so I know he didn't realise how mortified I was. Still, it's nice to have something to open on xmas day, even if it's from the poundshop.
when i was 6 there was this HUUUUGE box all wrapped up under the xmas tree , so i got all excited ,saying i was saving it till last.. it was an empty cardboard box.. a xmas box from my mum... also from my mum.. an old leg plaster cast (mine from a couple of months earlier... she kept it) with a face drawn on it, a pomegranite all wrapped up posh and old man long johns.. is it any wonder i hate xmas
thats got to be the worst on here an old leg cast with a face drawn on it
I may threaten my daughter with that if shes not good.

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