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on christmas eve two years ago, finding out my throat biopsy was not likely to be cancerous  

Best news for this time of year, reminds me of when i found out on the 20th december my pregnancy results were normal, and my little girl was healthy after all. the relief, will never forget.

But as a best gift material. ermmmm My tiny tears, (i always wanted one..and my girls world)

Loved Christmas as a child. Love them even more now for mine.
Ev (Peachy)
My brother and i have a funny relationship ...he's had some knocks and likes to keep a distance while I always try to help with stuff and keep trying to get him more involved.  A couple of years ago for christmas he gave me a sewing chest that he'd made from scratch himself - the time and effort he'd put in to making it for me had obviously been considerable. I was in tears when I saw it - and I'll treasure it for ever ...... he still won't come round for christmas dinner though!
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
back on topic...

best gift... as in, total surprise... and totally something I had always wanted..

a pair of diamond stud earrings from my parents!

they'd been to New York for a short break the month before and had had a moment of madness & bought me them.

It took a while for them to convince me they were real (on account of previous years gifts  cubic zirconia studs they would try to pass off as diamonds, by putting them in decent jewellers boxes)...    but they were.   And beautiful.   Not huge...  they were a third carat each... but excellent quality...  they blinged!   

I wore them all the time...  til a couple of years ago when I took them out and put them on the mantlepiece whilst I dyed my hair.

A couple of hours later there was only one there!     I have spent hours with the mantlepiece & fire pulled out and my head up the spider infested chimney & fireplace looking for it...  never have found it.

the remaining one I have let my daughter have on long term loan.... as she has one ear pierced twice...  so has the diamond in the odd hole.    The condition being, that if I find the missing one I want it back.

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