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To save the hijack on the other thread....

3 oz self raising flour
3 oz caster sugar
2 eggs
Vanilla essense
x 2 (1 lot for each half)
Cream and strawberries (or whatever you fancy) to decorate.

Prepare 2 sandwich tins by greasing and coating with a mixtire of flour and caster sugar,
Break eggs into a bowl and add caster sugar, whisk until very thick and pale in colour, add couple drops of vanilla essense. Fold in the not beat...pour the mixture into the prepared tins and bake in oven for 15-20 minutes gas mark 4.

While they are cooking whip your cream and prepare and halve strawberries...

When the cakes are cooked turn out onto wire cooling rack...allow to cool then pile on the cream and strawberries...cos you've used no fat in the cake its really light and can take a ton of the stuff...


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My Mum had one of those McDougalls cookbooks, I think it had a stripey cover. My mum was an ace cook although a lot of her stuff I couldn't eat as I got older because of being vegan - but she could cook anything traditional and British and it was all great.

PC if you want any vegan cake recipes (as if you would!!) let me know

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