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Most of the fun to be had is wherever the smokers are gathered.
I know daughter lost her partner of eleven years to a smoking buddy earlier this's still very raw TBH.

Thankfully she's moved on (i think)........she has a new man sad is it that I still pine for her old partner ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,it was like losing a son!
Soozy Woo
I have never smoked in my life and hopefully will never need to.
BUT I agree that there is a lot of unfair biase against smokers.

I hate the way they are vilified and  abused.
From a non smoking perspective,I do find it hard being in a room full of smokers - not because THEY disgust me, but all the smoke makes me cough.
I used to like them but doesn't the routine just wear thinner and thinner with every passing year? 

They're crap and their cheeky chappy routine is intensely annoying considering they're no longer fifteen.   Like Graham Norton, I try to avoid everything they're in.  Luckily for me, they only appear in crap shows, so there's no worry of missing anything decent because they're in it.

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