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we had a lad at school yesterday who came back to the kitchen at the end of lunch crying his eyes out........he's lost his mum recently and some yr 8 girls snatched his lunch off him and stamped on broke my heart.......i just wanted to give him a big cuddle and look after him.........sometimes i hate the world...........

Aw jeez sponge, poor little mite. Kids can be so mean. The girl with CP was so ace, her whole face lit up when she talked about her dog. She reminded me so much of a girl with CP I taught for 4 years, even down to the same walking frame. She's now at Uni studying journalism so that's a big V sign to all those thoughtless bullies.
ski xxx

good on yer former are just so heartless sometimes.they don't realise the effect they have.....i've pulled c up on one occasion and gave her a right gobful...she's not done it since.

our lad was upset cos of not only what happened but cos he's on free school dinners..and his lunch got he was hungry poor kid..........we had a teachers do on in the evening.......mega i nicked a load of stuff off that and gave it to him....saw him today and he was all smiles......
I think they're aimed at a specific demographic that isn't me.  I find the whole thing incredibly predictable from the cringe-worthy skits to the (warning sexist stereotyping to follow) housewives' favourites musical repertoire with the latest rubbishy pre-teen boy/girl band thrown in to get the kiddies donating their pocket money.

It's a very noble cause and I can't knock it at all for that but I just wish it just - well, entertaining for me!

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