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Reference:Marguerita's *Christmas Grott
 I always loved Christmas until my husband passed away five days before Christmas for the obvious reasons it is a sad time for me, I always try put on a good front on Christmas day for the sake of my family, I know my husband would not want us to be feeling sad he would want us all to be happy
  I can totally understand how you feel.  Sometimes the "build up" to an anniversary is the worst especially when trying to get on with the day to day stuff of a holiday period.
Smarting Buttocks
When I was younger we learnt that Christmas was a celebration of a childs birth and therefore of the family. Growing up, we were not a religious family and we still aren't. So we always took the time at Christmas to celebrate and enjoy our family. It was really the only time of year, other than Easter Weekend, when we were all guaranteed to be together, so we made the most of it. For me, it has always been a time of warmth, fun and closeness. I love the build up to it all and am in full crimbo mode now (sorry to the Bah-Humbuggers!). We don't get too sucked into the commercialism of it and most of our gifts are homemade (we have been pickling, baking and chutney making for ages to make hampers for peeps!) and reflect thought and time rather than money. Christmas was always apent at my Grandmas and the first one without her was awful..we went to a pub for dinner and got drunk as heck...then got home and realised that was not how we liked it. So now everyone comes to ours and we have crimbo the way we always have, with laughs, over eating, too much drink, the odd tiff cos we are realted after all...but most of all we enjoy each other.
When I was younger we learnt that Christmas was a celebration of a childs birth and therefore of the family. Growing up, we were not a religious family and we still aren't. So we always took the time at Christmas to celebrate and enjoy our family. It was really the only time of year, other than Easter Weekend, when we were all guaranteed to be together, so we made the most of it. For me, it has always been a time of warmth, fun and closeness. I love the build up to it all and am in full crimbo mode now (sorry to the Bah-Humbuggers!). We don't get too sucked into the commercialism of it and most of our gifts are homemade (we have been pickling, baking and chutney making for ages to make hampers for peeps!) and reflect thought and time rather than money. Christmas was always apent at my Grandmas and the first one without her was awful..we went to a pub for dinner and got drunk as heck...then got home and realised that was not how we liked it. So now everyone comes to ours and we have crimbo the way we always have, with laughs, over eating, too much drink, the odd tiff cos we are realted after all...but most of all we enjoy each other.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post 
I think i am just a big kid, I genuinly love christmas and get excited. Its not about money or expensive gifts its about mulled wine and making an excuse to see your friends. I go to midnight mass, not because im particularly religious but i think i wish the feeling of goodwill was real even if im cursing someone by boxing day

The house seems cosy and warm and everyone seems happy. I love it !

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